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I sighed for the umpteenth time that night cause I couldn't go to sleep

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I sighed for the umpteenth time that night cause I couldn't go to sleep.

Romero's image was painted with bright colors in my head. The way he looked at me, smiled at me, spoke to me and how close we were, everything played like an interesting movie making it hard for me to fall asleep.

I rested my back on the head board and buried my head in my hands. Why can't he get off my head?

I looked to my left to find Nicole sleeping peacefully and it brought a slight feeling of envy in my heart. It's not fair, why would she be having a good sleep while I'm in the battle field of different emotions trying to stand as my soldier and fight off the image of her very handsome cousin

It's going to be a long ride in Westview as long as Romero Rodrigo was here.

I tried thinking of the consequences of the thoughts I have about Romero but it didn't work cause he somehow possessed a power that controlled my mind so all my thoughts revolved around him

All these are mother's fault. If only she had allowed me to interact with the opposite gender frequently maybe I wouldn't be so affected by Romero and the irony of it all is that he is the exact type of guy she never wanted me to cross path with but unfortunately I did, we even stayed under an orchid tree while others were in there respective rooms, he bought me dinner, he held me in a way that is forbidden to her and I let him walk me to my room and now I'm currently awake because of the thoughts about him.

Is this normal for people? To be thinking about someone they met and spent few hours with

The moment i started drifting into the world of our unrealistic fantasy was when the stupid alarm decided to ring its bell. I think I'll be taking one of my throw pillows to my classes cause I'll really need it.

As usual Nicole groaned in annoyance and I did her the favor by switching it off.

I got into the bathroom and turned the faucet on. I joint my palms together under the running cool water and splashed it on my face.

I stared at myself for awhile before brushing my teeth and going under the shower.

By the time I was done Nicole was up already. She smiled at me and wished me a good morning which I returned.

I quickly got dressed and waited for her but when she got out she asked me to go ahead cause she had to stop by Damon and Romero's.

I reached the cafeteria and ordered for a cup of hot cocoa tea to help calm my nerves and make my brain function properly.

"I dropped by your room yesterday, where were you?" the sudden voice startled me and caused the cup to drop from my hands. I whirled around to find him and I groaned in annoyance.

It is official that today isn't going to be a good one.

He looked at the brown liquid on the floor then back at me without an apology. "Aren't you going to apologize for that?" I glared at him with crossed hands and it pissed me off that he acted like he did nothing wrong.

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