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"Are you sure you'd be okay having dinner with us?" I asked for the millionth time while she arranged the files on her table

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"Are you sure you'd be okay having dinner with us?" I asked for the millionth time while she arranged the files on her table. She sighed and placed her hand on mine.

"I don't mind princess, i think it'll be a good way to get to know them don't you think?" I replied with an unsure smile and looked away from her. It's confirmed that she doesn't mind tagging along but what if Romero or Damon....

"I know what's going on in your head. If your boyfriend would mind then I'd have no other choice but to postpone our night together okay?" I searched her eyes to be sure she wouldn't be offended if they found it awkward to let her come along but her eyes only smiled at me.

"C'mon let's go, you've kept him waiting for too long" she strapped her bag on her shoulder and we left her office.

Romero remained in the spot where I had left him, a bottle of flavored drink was resting on the table in front of him and he had his eyes buried in his phone.

"He's even more beautiful in person, Good choice princess" she whispered in my ears which made my cheeks burn up.

As if he sensed our presence he looked up from his phone and smiled at me. He stood up and approached me without letting the smile waver from his face.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long" I muttered and he kissed my forehead. "It's fine Angel besides how was... His eyes recognized aunt and he passed her a polite smile.

"Good evening ma'am" she returned his smile and brought her hand out to shake him. "No need for formalities handsome, I'm Aurelia" surprise flashed in his eyes and he looked at me to confirm if it was the same woman I've been searching for.

"Romero" he locked her hand in hers and a brief moment of silence followed after which I found awkward but I guess aunt was really enjoying it.

"Uhm Romero, if you don't mind, aunt would love to uhmm.. "Join us for dinner?" I nodded nervously and he smiled at me. "There's no problem with that Angel, She's your aunt after all and  you two need to spend some time together cause you've been away for a long time. I can move the dinner...

"There will be no need for that handsome, we can have dinner together besides you it'll be a great opportunity to get to know the prince who kidnapped the heart of my princess" she winked at me which made me blush and Romero to chuckle.

"If that's okay with you ms... I mean Aurelia" she smiled and he led the way out. "You two go ahead I'll be going in my car" we nodded and he got the door for me before getting in.

"Uhmm Romero I... His lips crashed on mine cutting me off my speech. "You don't have to thank me neither do you owe me and explanation tesoro. I'm just so happy all your dreams are coming true and you'll finally have a peace of mind cause you've found your aunt" I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck

Since I couldn't thank him to prove how happy and grateful I was i let the hug speak for me.

Our ride was filled with happiness and laughter as we filled each other up with happy moments of our life and i must admit how good it felt to be free from all your worries.

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