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"Hey" I looked up from by notebook to find Nicole plopping right next to me

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"Hey" I looked up from by notebook to find Nicole plopping right next to me. A smile spread across my lips and i gave her a side hug.

"Hii Nicole" she smiled and ran her fingers in her thick black hair with a tired smile. "I'm sorry I haven't been coming to the room you see--- "You don't have to apologize Nikki, I'm good and I see you have a lot on your plate"

"So you don't miss me?" I laughed a little and shook my head. "C'mon Nikki, of course I miss you but it isn't a big deal being alone" she nodded and sent me a look that said she was only teasing me.

"So how's Tiffany?" She was surprised at how I was able to know about the root course of her absence lately.

"How do--- "Damon told me you've been sleeping at her place and her mood of late made it clear that she isn't okay" she smiled sadly and nodded her head to confirm my theory.

"Tiffany and i have known each other all our lives and I must say this my first time seeing her like this and it hurts" her voice broke at the end and a lone tears rolled down her smooth cheeks.

I never imagined a day where I'll ever see Nicole shed a tear, I almost thought she wasn't created with a tear gland.

"Hey don't cry, I'm sure she's going to get through whatever it is and she has you and the others to help her in this phase of her life. You have to be strong for her" I uttered out the best comforting words I could bring my brain to pull together and I hope it worked.

She smiled admist her tears and hugged me. I rubbed my palm down her back to soothe her not caring about the fact I was missing out some notes.

"Thank you Andy, i needed that"

"You're welcome Nikki, does that mean you two won't be coming for the practice today" she smiled and shook her head.

"I don't think Tiffany will miss that for anything besides it's just the practice so it's okay to not go but we'll be there" I nodded and retreated my attention back to class.

Soon lectures were over but I was held back by Mr Williams. "Yes sir, is there a problem?" He shot up an elderly smile and shook his head.

"No dear, there's no problem. I went through your portfolio yesterday and I was heavily impressed by your artworks, so you really do have passion for photography?" A feeling of relief wash through my blood and I dashed up a smile.

"Yes Mr Williams, I love photography but not just any kind, I'm more into filming photography" he gave an impress nod and from the look on his face i could tell he was interested in asking me more questions.

"So you want work in a filming industry?" I nodded with a dreamy smile. "Yes sir, I want to be part of a crew in the filming industry, i find what they do really fascinating and I've always had interest in the field"

"I love your ambition dear. And what about your arts works are you going to do something about them, if you want I can help you" I smiled at his kind thoughts and shook my head.

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