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I always thought avoiding someone was easy, i never had a reason to do that, this is my first and Romero isn't making it any easy for me

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I always thought avoiding someone was easy, i never had a reason to do that, this is my first and Romero isn't making it any easy for me.

It seemed like he realized it because he never missed a chance to tempt the spirit in me to want to break its wall and start talking to him like we use to.

It was a pretty rough week for me; avoiding Romero, facing a taunting and judgmental Leon and classes. Life has been hectic.

Great it's the weekend, I can spend the two days getting completely lost in the world of literature and colors and not being anxious about Romero taking my first kiss away.

Though I have been avoiding him I still can't help but hold the deal close to my heart like my life depended on it.

Romero sure doesn't look like a guy that doesn't stick to his words, despite figuring out that I was trying to avoid him, I've read stuff like this to know that he'll kiss me regardless of that. I find the idea of kissing him heart warming and kitty drooling.

"Andrea" I drawled my name at the rotten thought that crossed my head. I shouldn't be thinking about Romero like this, it won't be healthy for me.

''Andy" the sudden barge from the door kicked my thoughts back to reality and I sat up to find Damon strolling in.

"Damon there's something known as manners, you are aware of that right?" I shot him a glare only to get a grin in return.

"I'm certainly aware of that but annoying you is something I find fun in, so if being mannerless will make me see the frown of annoyance then I will be mannerless" he hopped on the bed beside me and threw his arm around my shoulder.

I shoved it off with an annoyed look. "What are you doing here by the way?"

"Actually I came to pick Nikki up but I guess she left already and she didn't even message me, what a bitch" He mumbled annoyed

"Hey" I pinched his strong arm with a scolding look cause he called her the 'b' word.

"You can't blame me Andy, she's really annoying" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"So where are y'all heading to?"

"The party Tiffany spoke about" my brows raised up in confusion but flattened as I remembered the day she invited me for the party

"Oh I remember that now. I think you should start going they must be waiting for you" he was hesitant for a few seconds. "What's wrong?"

"I don't feel like going again" my brows shot up in confusion at the sudden change. "Why's that?"

"I want to stay with you, I know you are going to be all alone and bored and what if that asshole somehow comes here to bother you" I smiled and placed my hand on his.

"Don't worry about me Damon, I won't be bored cause I have lots of things planned out for the night, as for Leon I can handle him by myself besides he is too much of a good boy to come into the girls' dorm at such an hour" I assured him but he still looked unsure.

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