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"Romero stop you are going to kill him, Damon please stop him" the loud scream of Nicole echoed loudly in my ears but I couldn't bring myself to stop hitting the asshole

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"Romero stop you are going to kill him, Damon please stop him" the loud scream of Nicole echoed loudly in my ears but I couldn't bring myself to stop hitting the asshole.

People had gathered around to watch the violent scene and did what they could do best; make a video and gossip.

Pleads of ladies screamed in my ears asking me to stop but i was beyond human now. All I saw was red

My vision was blurred with anger and the image of a helpless Andrea screaming out her lungs with tears streaming down her beautiful face. I would tolerate anything this cruel has to offer me but there's one thing I won't sit back and watch.

"Aren't you going to fight back Leon or do you only have strength for women?" I gritted out and threw a punch right on his eyes. "Romero please" Nicole's scream tore out again but I couldn't careless. I need to teach him a lesson and make him serve as an example to any other guy who has the intention of assaulting a lady.

"Romero p..please let me... He tried wording out but I was quick to shut him up with my fist. "Did you heed to her pleadings when she asked you to let her go? Did you fucking think twice of what damages your cruel acts would have caused in her life? No you didn't so why do you expect me to listen to you?" I kneeled his stomach causing him to hunch to the floor but I wasn't finished with my mission.

Though his face was unrecognizable and his blood was spluttered on my knuckles and shirt I didn't feel satisfied at all.

"What in the hell is going on.... Romero" my dad's panic voice interrupted but it didn't stop my torture. Finally someone had the courage to step into the war zone to pull me away.

"Let me go dad, this asshole has to die" I gritted out ready to pounce on him again but dad held me firmly. "Hijo stop it" he pushed me away from Leon and stood between us with a glare in his oceanic eyes.

"Everyone to my office" he snapped angrily and left. Leon being the coward he was hurriedly got on his feet and limped behind him in order to get away from my wrath.

The people started going to back to their business and I took it as my cue to go to my Angel. "Tesoro" my eyes fell on her distorted and whimpering state and my heart fell into a million pieces at the sight.

She was curled up in Damon's arms bawling her eyes with a loud cry. On my way to comfort her I got obstructed by Juanita "Romero a..are you okay, why'd do that, you could have just reported to the au.. I peeled her arm off my arm and went to stay beside Andrea leaving her shocked and hurt.

"R...romero" her cry became louder and she pulled away from Damon to rest on me. The last time I felt this pain was months ago when I watched my younger sister, Rosita, battle with leukemia and now the pain was back and it was more painful than I remembered it to be.


A brief silence rested amongst everyone seated in dad's office after the incident had been narrated. Mr and Mrs Hunt were in disarray and ashamed to hear about the despicable attitude of their son. "I'm sorry Mr Hunt, Mrs Hunt but the university would have to take a drastic measure against your son" the information from dad caused his both parents eyes to widen in fear and terror.

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