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Trigger warning; Sensitive topic in this chapter which includes sexual harassment please skip if you're uncomfortable

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Trigger warning; Sensitive topic in this chapter which includes sexual harassment please skip if you're uncomfortable.

"Any clue?" Nicole questioned the moment I got into the room and I shook my head with a disappointed sigh. It's been two weeks since i began my search for Aunt Aurelia and I must say, every day that goes by with a disappointing result I can't help the negativity of reality that bubbles up in my chest.

She threw herself up from the bed and came to hug me. "Don't worry, I know you'll find her soon" she assured me and a skeptical sigh expelled from my mouth. "I do hope so" I muttered and dumped my bag on the bed before going in to freshen up.

I pulled a large shirt down my head and got on the bed ready to be driven into a land filled with imagination beyond my control when Nicole walked in from the balcony with an information that awakened my thoughts.

"Uncle Rodolfo.. I mean the chancellor requested that you see him on Monday in his office" confusion settled on my face as my mind wandered off to the bank of questions trying to figure out which of them was the reason for the sudden call.

"Do you perhaps know the reason?" Her head shook in negativity which disheartened my curious ass but her next words had it sparking in interest and anticipation. "But he did look happy, extremely excited if I may add. It seemed like he has some goodnews for you"

"Goodnews?" She shrugged and looked away from me to get her ringing phone from the night stand. "Excuse me" she whispered and I nodded in approval before soaking myself into a field filled with so many questions.

I couldn't fall asleep neither did I have the interest to paint nor read so I opted for a stroll. I changed out of my shorts into a black leggings and left with my headphones.

The rays of the setting sun perched its wings on the luscious green grass and flowers which created a beautiful evening scene good for a walk.

The sizzling wind of the winter was slowly making itself known and I couldn't help the smile that crossed my lips as I thought of Christmas that was just right at the corner.

My happiness bloomed wildly when I heard the whispers in my head foretelling me that this would be an amazing Christmas for me and for some reasons I succumbed my trust into the words of my head.

I was so lost in my thoughts while admiring nature that I didn't get a hint of the danger that was yet to befall me. I opened my mouth to scream but it only came out muffled cause of the strong palm that restricted my voice.

I shut my eyes and tried my best to fight off the kidnapper but he was as strong as the ones in the books I read and the movies I see.

After being dragged for what seemed like centuries we finally got to a destination and he let go off me. I used the little opportunity to catch my breath before looking up to see who the attacker was.

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