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The warm morning sun stirred me up from my blissful slumber and i tried rolling my body to the other side of the bed but I felt trapped in the arms of someone

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The warm morning sun stirred me up from my blissful slumber and i tried rolling my body to the other side of the bed but I felt trapped in the arms of someone.

I kept my eyes closed and stayed still to let my brain awaken to the reality of the new day and memory of the night.

"The night has just began sweetheart" he whispered on my lips and pulled me into his thighs so i was straddling his groin

The events of yesterday played brightly in my head and it made my lips stretch into a wide smile. The feeling still seem surreal and i could still feel his lips on my body and his thick manhood in me cause hell, my pussy was hurting badly.

I slowly turned my body so I could face him. I'll definitely have a good day because of the wonderful and beautiful sight I woke up to.

A smile creeped up to my face and I sluggishly stretched my hand to push the curls that fell right on his face away.

He is so beautiful. I thought as I stared at his resting form.

I noticed we were back at college and in my room making me think of how he was able to get us back here.

I carefully threw the blanket off my body and got out from the bed to freshen up. I felt pain shoot harshly in my pussy causing a low yelp to leave my mouth. The sudden sound made him stir lightly in sleep but he didn't wake up which was a good thing.

Ignoring the pain between my thighs I limped to the bathroom and turned the knob on. Soon the bathroom was fogged up from the steam that emitted from the hot water.

I brushed my teeth and got under the shower. My hair and body got drenched under the pour of the hot liquid and I let my body relax under its soothing drop before I proceeded in washing my body with my soap.

I ran my fingers in my curls with my eyes closed and got drowned in the pools of the shower that I didn't hear the clicking sound of the door and someone sneaking up behind me.

"Good morning Angel" the voice that haunted my every thoughts and dreams sang loudly in my ears causing my blood to run cold.

I felt his arm wrapped around my waist and his dick poked my ass without an ounce of shame. I felt the soft bite of his teeth on my earlobe and it didn't take a second for me to succumb into his embrace.

"Why didn't you wake me up tesoro?" Again with that voice that can drive me over the hills.

"Y-you were sleeping so peacefully, i-i didn't want to wake you up" I managed to mumble out.

He turned me around so I could face him. I kept my head down cause I was too nervous to see what his eyes held

He placed his index under my chin and pulled my head up so i could face him. "Andrea if you aren't going to wake me up then don't leave me cause I want you in my arms whenever I wake up, alright?" He cupped my cheeks and left light strokes on my cheeks with his thumbs.

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