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I found my way back to the buzzing cafeteria and looked around for my favorite spot to see it has been taken

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I found my way back to the buzzing cafeteria and looked around for my favorite spot to see it has been taken.

I sighed in disappointment and decided to get a hamburger and fries and head to my dorm room. I guess I'll have to look for a more secluded place around better still I may not just stay in the cafeteria.

Two hands enclosed on my eyes and it didn't take me a second to know it's my best friend because of the familiar strong scent of his cologne and his soft palm

I placed my hand on his and pulled it away so i could face him. "Damon" I called with a smile and fitted myself into his welcoming embrace.

"You really know how to break my heart bestie" his voice got deeper and it seemed like he really did a lot of work out during the holiday cause he got a bit sturdier.

"How do I break your heart?" I pursed my lips with my arms folded as I waited for him to give me an explanation.

"You hardly spoke to me during the holiday" I sighed and took his hand in mine. "You know why I don't talk to you often Damon. As it was she started getting suspicious of me cause I was always on my phone, if she had decided to check it and saw our texts and call records, I won't be here with you right now" I know my mom will never accept Damon as my best friend hell she won't even accept the fact I associate with someone like him.

For starters he is a basketballer, he has tattoos designed on his neck, arm and back, he has his ears and the top part of his left brow pierced, his parents are filthy rich--- in short words Damon is the type of guy she heavily warned me against but I can't help it.

He is my best friend with all the best positive human character qualities but he can be super annoying at times.

His soft brown eyes glowed along with his chocolate skin, his hair had a low cut with waves at the top and faded at the sides and his light pink lips blended with his rows of perfect teeth.

He pulled me by my shoulders into his body and kissed the side of my head. "I understand Andy but it's still sad that I can't talk to you whenever I want to" I understand his dilemma and i wish I could do something about it.

"I'm sorry Damon, I wish could do something" I mumbled into his shirt.

"C'mon let's go to your room" I nodded and he bought his food before we left to my dorm.

"Fuck! I need sunglasses, what's with the blinding color bestie" he glanced around the room with squinted eyes inducing an eye roll from me.

"Don't be dramatic Damon, it's a nice interior" he got comfortable on my bed while I sat on the sofa.

"I never said it wasn't nice but it's too bright and princess like" he commented and i nodded in agreement.

"So Andy do you remember your promise?" My brows bounced in confusion at the question cause I don't remember making any promises to him.

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