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"I can't believe you told her all that, I'm proud of you" he smiled at me and I looked away with a sigh

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"I can't believe you told her all that, I'm proud of you" he smiled at me and I looked away with a sigh. I'm glad i did that but I still couldn't help the guilt that soared in my chest.

Will mom and dad be proud of what I did or will they be disappointed in me for being ungrateful. I really do appreciate everything the woman has done for me but I can't let her live the life she didn't get to live in form of me.

"Damon do you think mom and dad will be happy with me?" He pulled my hands in his and smiled.

"They'll be super proud of you Honey. They'll proud of their baby girl for standing up for herself and what she wants" he spoke softly to prevent me from getting sad but that's exactly what happened.

"But wouldn't they see me as an ungrateful child. Mom always told me to be appreciative to one who does things for us and I did the opposite to Nora" he clicked his tongue and wiped my tears with his thumb.

"Trust me amorè, you aren't ungrateful it's just that Nora can't find anything you do worth appreciating, she always finds an issue and that's not your fault, so you need to get those thoughts out of your head and be happy for Arabella and Aarav" he mentioned my parents name making a smile to puff on my lips.

Even though they are not with me physically they will always be alive in my heart.

We strolled farther down the field having a heartfelt conversation with each other. This is one of the special moments we have together and I'll never get tired of it.

Talking to Damon and being around him is a soul comforting moment, it's like drowning your self in water and forgetting all the bads in your life.

Damon is a bundle of joy sent into my life to take away all my problems and guide me in the absence of my parents.

Despite losing his twin sister at a young age he still manages to smile, laugh, joke around and not to forget; spread his positivity around.

Anyone who sees him will think he has a perfect life but he doesn't. Although his parents showered him with all their love, attention and money to fill up the absence of his twin the void in his heart was difficult to fill up.

I wonder what Nicole and Romero story will be. It's no news that the cousins always appear cheerful but behind their happy wall is a crying heart.

Romero's was clear on monday after listening to him in the secret room. His emotions are clearly hidden behind the ice in his eyes. He can be really cocky, playful and smutty but you can tell his past wasn't as cheerful as he shows off.

Nicole? I haven't really studied her enough to see right through her killer smile but I have to believe there should be something and considering the fact they're all related they are really skilled in hiding their problems as well.

I'm no therapist to be able to guess all that but I've lived eleven years of my life smiling to hide the pain of my deceased parents and my discomfort in terms of a controlling adoptive mother.

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