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I let my fingers control every strokes of the brush on the canvas, my eyes zoomed into the image of him displayed on my phone and my mind drowned into a world of emotions I had no words to describe how it feels to be in

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I let my fingers control every strokes of the brush on the canvas, my eyes zoomed into the image of him displayed on my phone and my mind drowned into a world of emotions I had no words to describe how it feels to be in.

I made sure I detailed the sweat that dripped down his face down to his veiny arms and the strong emotions of the zeal in his eyes while holding the ball and getting ready to make the basket so whoever the viewer would be he or she would be able to feel the passion through the painting.

By the time I was done with the painting my limbs felt numb and my throat burned with thirst. I went back to my room and fell flat on the bed to help me relax my back muscles.

When I felt relaxed i decided to go and get food from the cafeteria cause my poor stomach needed to be fed. I checked my phone for any message from him but there was none only a text from Damon telling me he'll be back by tomorrow.

I scanned again for maybe a missed call from Romero but there was none. Soon I was clouded with worry and disappointment so I dialed his number and again it directed me to his voicemail.

Pushing the negative voices aside I decided to go check on him, maybe he had a very hectic day and wanted to get some rest for the remaining half of the day. I slipped into my slippers and left the dorm for his place not before grabbing a bottle of cool water to help quench my thirst.

I got to the beautiful duplex and stood at the door for a while before pressing on the bell. There was no response so i tried again but the result was the same.

A sigh filled with disappointment and sadness emitted from my lips and I decided to leave but got stopped by the crashing sound of an item.

Panic and worry took over my features and my eyes widened in terror. "Romero" i whispered and without caring about courtesy i turned the silver knob hoping that the door would be open.

The door pushed open and I waltzed my way in searching for any sign of broken item or bloody human but there was none, the living room retained its orderly and beautiful appearance.

Voices from upstairs drew my attention and i began my journey up the stairs to see what the fuss was all about.

"Juanita please, you've created more harm than good can you please get out of my life already?" Anger and frustration were clearly audible in his tone.

My brows contoured with confusion and I began making slow steps towards his room. The door was slightly opened so I hid by a corner and peeked my head a bit to see what was going on.

"Romero I told you i was sorry and i am here to make up for everything I did. Wouldn't you give me a chance?" He shut his eyes and took in a deep breath and I could tell he was trying to control his fury.

"Juanita there's nothing you can do to change the past and I'm not ready to have you destroy my future again so please....

"No" she covered her ears and screamed loudly making me cringe at the piercing tone of her voice.

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