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"Where were you last night?" I asked the moment she got in while styling my hair in two

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"Where were you last night?" I asked the
moment she got in while styling my hair in two. I heard a sigh from her which made me look away from the mirror to see a tired look on her face

"I was with the guys last night. After helping Romero, I followed Damon to the court to help them set it up for practice today by the time we had finished it was late and it was easy settling in Romero's apartment so we all passed the night there" I let my hands stop working on my hair and turned my body to her.

"He has an apartment to himself?"

"Yh, it's a nice one storey building at the west end of the school. Damon, Romero and i are supposed to share it but i chose to stay in the dorm. I can't live with two over protective freaks" a light laugh escaped my lips and I shook my head.

"So what team are you on?" I asked despite knowing she'll be on her cousins team but it's also possible for her not to support them either.

"Actually last year i was with the huskies because my ex is a teammate and also damon pissed me off so I had to teach him a lesson by joining his rival team" an accomplished smile was dressed on her lips which made me laugh.

"I'm guessing it worked"

"Of course it did. After Steven and I broke up he was expecting me to give my support and cheer for the Renegades but I didn't do that, I surprised him by still being on the huskies team" that explains why he was always so mad whenever they lost a match and why he always wanted me to be there so he could have a friend's support

"Well I'm a testifier of his wrath after every game they lost" she released a deep laugh and shook her head.

"Well this school year I'll be on his team until we're done with college besides if I use that tactic on Romero he sure will repay me in a way I won't forget"

"So Romero isn't nice?" She scoffed and shook her head. "He can be but when he is in his beast mode you'll wish for the ground to swallow you. And when he is on the court, you'll think his emotions and actions are being controlled by the devil" If not of the look on her face I would have thought she was being exaggerative.

"Is he that bad?" She looked at me and smiled. "Romero is a chameleon, he changes his attitude towards a person depends on your level of importance to him, so he can be cold and rude to who he hates, he can be really playful and nice too, it depends" I sucked my bottom lip and nodded at the new found fact about Romero.

"I'll get ready" I nodded and she got into the bathroom and just like yesterday I sat on the sofa waiting for her.

She quickly got dressed and soon we were on our way to the class. "Are you coming for the practice today?" She asked and I nodded in reply making her smile.

"Damon will be so happy" she clapped excitingly making me laugh.

Good thing I didn't have English today cause I don't think I'll be able to handle another hour of torture.

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