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After our long flight we finally arrived in Madrid and I couldn't be anymore happy

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After our long flight we finally arrived in Madrid and I couldn't be anymore happy. I shut the book I was reading and stood up from the chair to have a nice stretch.

My flight was boring and it would have been more boring if I sat beside Leon. I took my suitcases out and turned to leave when i bumped into a body.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled and shifted to the side to leave but I got stopped by the person. I furrowed my brows and looked up to find Leon then my brows went back to their normal position.

"Here let me help" he offered but I declined it. "It's fine Leon, I can do this" I gave him a grateful smile and moved to the side giving him room to walk beside me.

"Are you like this?" His question snapped me out of my day dream and I looked at him with a raised brow. "Like how?" He smiled amusingly and kept his gaze ahead of him.

"You are so quiet" he whispered and I remained silent for a second. "Cause I have nothing to say to you Leon" he reduced his pace and gave my face his attention.

"If you don't have anything to say, don't you have anything to ask so we can get to know each other?" I sighed and shook my head. "I don't want us to be friends" I told him truthfully and a frown settled on his face.

"Why's that?" I shrugged my shoulders as we continued our journey to the car waiting for us.

"Don't take it the wrong way Leon, you are a nice guy and a friendly person to be with but I know you want us to be friends cause of our parents" my explanation didn't lessen the frown and displeasure.

"Well what's wrong with that?" Everything is wrong with it Leon. It's quite obvious he is happy with the life he is living with his parents, he enjoys dancing to their tune but I don't enjoy it one bit and I'm tired of living my life on mother's terms.

If they want us to get married in the future there Is no way he would disagree with it and I do not want to spend my life with someone I will never love.

Being friends with him is the first step in making their perfect plan come true and I can't let that. I would help him with whatever he needs nothing more and nothing less.

I left his question unanswered as we rode to school in silent. I felt a happy flip in my chest as Westview came into sight.

It's strange how one will be happy going to school but I'm strange and that's what makes me, Andrea. I'll choose to be in school anytime and any day.

As we drove into the gates of the school my memories went back to the first day I came here. I was a ball of anxiety like any normal fresher would be and my controlling mother didn't help my situation at all.

"I didn't teach you to be nervous Andrea Garcia. So kick off those feelings and put up a brave smile like I always thought you" her stern look automatically made my lips stretch into a fake smile making her nod in satisfaction.

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