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The loud ring of my alarm busted me out from my dream world but I ignored it and turned my body to face the opposite direction but the groan of someone made me sit up from the bed and realization dawned on me

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The loud ring of my alarm busted me out from my dream world but I ignored it and turned my body to face the opposite direction but the groan of someone made me sit up from the bed and realization dawned on me. I'm in school

Nicole was sleeping face flat on her bed, her legs spread open and her hands tucked under her pillow.

I shook my head with a little smile. She's really beautiful and super friendly. I hope the rest of my years in college remain like this, I hope i always get good roommates like her.

I threw the blanket off my body to go get ready for the day. I opted for a cold shower to relax my muscles and energize me for the day.

I came out to find her still asleep so i did what a good friend should. "Nicole, it's morning already" I whispered and she pushed my hand away with a frown and her eyes still closed.

''Leave me alone, i want to sleep some more" I giggled and pulled the blanket off her body. "The fuck Andrea" she mumbled with annoyance and sat up from the bed.

"I'm sorry princess Nicole but you have classes in an hour time" i told her and her frown deepened making me grin.

"By the way thank you for last night" she was confused for a second and when she realized what i was talking about a smile appeared on her face enhancing her light blue eyes.

"It's no problem Andrea, it was my pleasure besides I wouldn't want to have you falling ill at the beginning of the semester" i smiled at her kindness and thanked her again.

She nodded with her smile and I couldn't help but stare at her. "So which of your parent is Korean?" She stopped making her bed and looked at me

"My dad. My mom is Hispanic" that explains her thick lower region.

"Okay I'll get ready, do you mind waiting for me?" I smiled and shook my head. "I don't mind, I'll get dressed and wait for you besides I have about forty minutes before my classes start" she smiled and picked her towel from the wardrobe.

"Superb! I will be quick so I don't keep you waiting" she didn't give me a chance to reply she disappeared into the bathroom.

I looked through my clothes and settled on a long sleeve white turtle neck gown that covered my thighs and hugged my figure perfectly.

I stared at myself in the mirror loving how I looked in the dress. Mother never liked my figure, she wanted me to get a surgery so I could reduce my hips and ass good thing she consulted priest Jones who adviced her against it.

She doesn't like me wearing dresses that will outline my body figure but that was something she couldn't avoid me from doing.

She let me wear body fitting dresses on a condition that i do not expose my thighs, waist, boobs or shoulders so basically my wardrobe is filled with turtle neck dresses.

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