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"... Yeah this one will totally look great on you, what do you think?" The walls of my ears were surrounded with noises and words but not once did I actually listen to them.

"Andy" the sudden contact of a human palm on my shoulder caused all my being to return back to the world. I looked beside me to find Nikki and Tiffany staring at me with a look of concern written all over their faces.

"Hey are you alright?" I forced out a smile and nodded my head to avoid them from being worried but they didn't buy it.

"I know you Andy, you're probably worried about meeting our family right?" I sighed and looked away from them cause I didn't want them seeing the answer through my eyes but my reaction did give me away.

"I told you already, you don't have to be nervous alright? our relatives aren't monsters they wouldn't eat you up, you know?" Nikki tried creating a joke but i wasn't having it.

I was too busy thinking about what Romero's parents will say about me, what if they wouldn't like me nor my presence around their son. I remember the night he told me about his family, his grandma to be precised and I won't the deny the fact that she's the cause of my anxiousness. She's so strict and controlling, what if she humilates me or judges me and... Gosh I'm really over thinking this, It's not like we're going as a couple, I'm just...

"Andy stop it, you are going to have an attack soon" Tiffany rubbed her hand on my back to assure me that everything will be fine.

"Uhm C'mon we have to get ready now, the guys will be here to pick us soon" Nikki announced and passed the maroon gown my way.

I inspected it closely to be sure that it wasn't a slutty attire. "Andrea relax, i know how grandma is so i wouldn't choose a dress that will cause her to humilate you or judge you" she noticed my little actions and i replied her with a small smile.

"I'll go get ready" i whispered and went into the bathroom to wash up. By the time I was out they were doing their makeup already. "Andy will you like me to do yours?" Tiffany offered and I declined with a polite smile.

I quickly dried my hair and got into my underwear. After using the necessary body cosmetics i got into the dress and stared at it for a while.

The maroon dress fitted my figure perfectly and hid my thighs under its protection. Good thing the winter was drawing near else i don't think i would have survived with the full sleeves of the dress

The off shoulder style was decent enough not to reveal too much skin around my neck area and i really loved how simple and modest it was.

I let my curls hang on my neck and kissed my gloss on my lips. I wore a simple stud earrings and a charm bracelet Damon got for me back in highschool alongside my favorite candy scented perfume

Slipping into a pair of black velvet flats I grabbed my bag along with my phone. Tiffany and Nicole were yet to finish with their makeup so they sent a quick apology to me for having me wait which of course I didn't mind.

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