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After having lunch with Nicole and her friends I decided to head back to my room cause of how tired I was

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After having lunch with Nicole and her friends I decided to head back to my room cause of how tired I was.

Monday will forever remain my worst day of the week. I placed my card on the door knob and once the door made the familiar beep sound I pushed it open and hurriedly got on my bed without taking my dress off.

It's a good thing I got just two classes tomorrow cause I don't think I'd have survived the whole day tomorrow.

I heard my phone ring from my bag but I ignored it cause of how tired and lazy i was to get it but the continuous ring got me annoyed so I ignored my tiredness and went to get it.

"Hey Andy" Damon's voice filled the speaker and I some how felt relieved on hearing his voice.

"Hey are you back already?"

"Yh I'm at the cafeteria with my friends, why is there a problem, you don't sound too good, you want me to come over?'' He questioned without a break making me release a short laugh.

"Damon I'm fine, just tired" the little silence told me he didn't buy what I said. "I know that voice all too well Andy, hold on I'm coming over"

"Damon i--- before I got a chance to speak he hung up. I guess I'll have to tell him about Mr perfect.

I finally got changed into a furry pink shorts and a white baggy shirt. I caught my hair in a lazy bun and got into the comfort of my bed.

I was lost in my head when a knock distrupted me and I didn't need to ask cause I knew who it was.

"Andy-- I flew into his body and hugged him tightly. It dawned on me that we were not completely inside so I pulled away and brought him inside.

"I knew you weren't fine, Tell me what's wrong?" I sighed and we both sat on the longer sofa while I explained what happened to him.

I was expecting his comforting hug or soothing words but not the chest rumbling laughter he threw and it made me think about his sanity.

"I'm sorry Andy, i-i just can't believe we had dudes like that, I mean even the nerds aren't that way" He noticed my serious demeanor and his laughter died down in an instant.

"Don't tell me you plan on going back to your shell Andy" he raised a perfect brow at me and I looked away from him

"What can I do Damon, he is definitely going to tell mother and i know she can do anything to keep her perfect reputation. Damon I haven't gotten enough ground to leave her house yet. I'll be low on cash if she decides to take my credit card, she controls it anyway" he sighed and placed his hand in mine.

"You constantly forget I'm always here for you" I peeked at him though my lashes and smiled.

"No Damon that's your hard earn money and also the money your parents worked for, It wouldn't be right to just spend it" he exhaled loudly and made me look at him.

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