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I can bet on my life that the birds will be more than enthusiastic to make my hair their favorite nest

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I can bet on my life that the birds will be more than enthusiastic to make my hair their favorite nest.

"What happened to you, you look like shit" and there goes my very nice best friend. "Well I didn't know that Damon" I hissed out in annoyance.

If I knew the teacher will lazy her ass to school today I would have slept in late. I really don't think I'll succeed in fighting off the sleep In this class, moreover it's English.

"Seriously Andy, what happened, as far as I can remember you spent the whole Sunday resting then why are you looking like you spent the night in a guy's bed" his sarcastic remark had me freezing in my spot and it reminded me of the reason why I am like this.

True i spent the whole day getting lost in the imaginery world of someone who did a good job by sharing it with us in form of a novel and having a relaxing moment with the fictional people and trying to blend into their world.

I thought reading those erotic scenes will be as normal as it has been but my dreams proved me wrong.

Every line I read and tried not to think of played like a movie in my dreams but it wasn't the characters I imagined, the role was acted out by two humans i knew.

"Tell me to stop Andrea" his voice was husky and a bit rougher. The intensity of the erotic emotions in it had me squirting my panty

"Romero i-- "The ball is in your court Angel" the pad of his fingers rolled up my thighs heading north to my private area.

The air flow in my body felt constricted and It seemed difficult to control the organs in my body.

He squeezed my ass softly earning a loud moan from me. "I'm not the definition of patience sweetie, I'll give you thirty seconds to make a decision else--- he bit on neck and left unexplainable kisses down my arms.

I squeezed my eyes and dug my nails into his arms as I tried hard to pick the winner between my raging mind and heart.

"---10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3--- "I want you Romero" I said the four later words and without giving me a chance to digest my answer he spun me around and smashed our lips together.

He pinned my wrists together as he sucked on my lips feverishily and painfully just the way the male lead character did it in the book.

His other hand was clasped around my throat dominantly as his lips took claim over mine.

My whole world felt surreal and the moans that left my lips could serve as a lullaby for horny asses like myself.

"---hello are you in there" Damon shook my arm causing a light jolt from me. I broke out of the thoughts of my erotic dream and looked at him to find a look of concern.

"What's happening to you?" I blinked and looked away from him because I didn't know the answer to that myself.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back" i mumbled and walked away from him. I hurriedly walked to the door only to run into the person I was running away from.

𝒟𝒜𝑅𝒦 𝐸𝒰𝒫𝐻𝒪𝑅𝐼𝒜Where stories live. Discover now