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I got changed into a simple cream color shirt dress and a pair of sandals

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I got changed into a simple cream color shirt dress and a pair of sandals. My hair was tucked into a bun and I hurriedly left the room.

"Andrea" i groaned in annoyance at sound of his voice. "Do you really love pissing me off Leon? There's no point starting a conversation cause we'll always end up fighting" I turned to face him with crossed arms.

"I'm heading for the tennis ball training" the side of my lips curved up in clear annoyance and confusion drowned in my eyes.

"Yeah, so?"

"You should come with me" I raised a brow and took a step back ward. "Listen Leon, I think it's best if we stop wasting each other's time. You knew my answer will be negative why try?" As usual a frown etched to his features cause I didn't give into his wishes.

"Andrea i think you should quit this childish attitude, we won't be able to get to know ourselves when every time we see each other we're always fighting or---

"I told you from the start Leon, I'm not interested in being friends with you. I have no plans in getting to know you neither do I want you to know me, so leave me alone" I turned around to walk away but he grasp my elbow making me hiss in annoyance.

Jeez! He's like a housefly.

"Leon please--- "No Andrea, I'm really sick and tired of your attitude. How do you expect our marriage to work when you do not want to cooperate and you don't even make an attempt to" Someone call an ambulance cause I'm about to kill the asshole.

"Leon" I pulled away from him and held his arms. "You and i-- I flicked my index between our bodies. "Will never happen, not in this life and certainly not in my next.

I really don't know who implanted that silly idea in your head but it isn't going to work out alright" I pulled a fake smile and he surprised me by smirking but it didn't look good as Romero's.

"If I were you Andrea, I'll be begging me to accept this proposal because the future of Garcia Corporation lies in our marriage, your mother's career and dreams lies in our marriage and if you shatter all she's worked hard for it won't be so good for you and your bunch of delinquent friends"

His words were supposed to be a threat but i wasn't faze at all. "Nora Garcia isn't my mother so I don't give two flying shits about her life. So go out there and look for some other girl to be your perfect bride and as for Nora, she can do her worse but I'm ready to fight back, good bye Leon Hunt" once again i left him flabbergasted.

The arena wasn't packed as it is supposed to be by this time, only Damon and his friends occupied it.

"Andy" Gyeong was the first to sense my presence and his call stirred everyone's attention. I smiled shyly and strode towards them.

"Hey come join us, Romero gave us a treat" Rishi pulled me by wrist to where they all sat munching on different delicacies.

I politely declined and pulled Damon to the side. "Where's everyone, was practice canceled" he smiled and shook his head.

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