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The familiar empty hallway welcomed my presence and I took slow steps to the door that held my future behind it

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The familiar empty hallway welcomed my presence and I took slow steps to the door that held my future behind it.

I knocked softly on the door and the deep voice of Mr Rodrigo called me in. I enclosed my palm on the cold knob and gently pushed the door opened.

Most people dread to see the day they'll be called to face or forced to live their worse nightmare, that's what is happening to me.

She sat there with a piercing gaze in her dark green eyes. Fire and anger swirled in them and from her restless body language, it meant she was looking for the perfect opportunity to explode.

Leon sat beside her with the same look on his face. A strong feeling of hate bubbled widely within me and i wanted nothing more than to cook him in a pot of boiling acid.

"Mr Rodrigo" I acknowledged the only person who gave me a bit of comfort. He had no defined emotion in his eyes but I've spent so much time studying Romero and since they had a lot in common I could tell he was giving me silent words of reassurance.

Mother snapped her head to me with fury blazing widely in it and I was certain she wasn't happy with the fact that i didn't greet her nor acknowledge her presence.

"Mr Rodrigo I need have a word with her" he slouched lightly on the chair with a blank gaze while spinning the chair lightly.

"Alone" she emphasized and I shot him a pleading look that asked him not to leave me. "For someone who claims to be perfect, you sure lack manners Mrs Garcia" his voice was cold and his tone sharp.

Her mouth hung low in shock that there was someone who could call out her flaw and rub it on her face without being intimidated.

"W-what did you just say?" I really don't blame her for her reaction because it isn't everyday she gets to hear a crude remark about herself.

"Do you have issues with your hearing aid Mrs Garcia, don't think I won't repeat what I said earlier. You are mannerless" her face could win a contest for the reddest shade on earth.

"How dare you--- "Lower your voice lady this is an institution and I won't have you disturbing the peace of my school"

She hissed out furiously and banged her fist on the table. "Never lose your temper, that's one important rule of being a perfect lady Her words rang like an alarm reminding me of the day she made that statement and right now she's going against her own words.

"Speak about manners Mr Rodrigo, is this how you treat your clients and staff members? And what gives you the right to make such proclamation" a small smirk tugged on his lips and i was certain he was enjoying pushing her buttons.

"You're in my office Mrs Garcia, it's no problem that you have the rights to speak to your daughter in private but you should have asked in a polite manner like the graceful lady you claim to be" she slumped her shoulders and tore her gaze from him in embarrassment after realizing her mistake.

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