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We laid in the comfort of the night silence

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We laid in the comfort of the night silence. My head was on his chest, his arm around my waist and my fingers twirled the thin gold chain on his neck between my fingers.

"Are you ever going to tell me what your past was like?" I finally broke the prolonged silence. "Yes Angel, you'll get to know soon" his gruff voice stumbled out.

I tilted my head so I could look at his eyes but was met with the sight of his jawline. "I'll wait till whenever you are ready" I whispered on his chest thereafter he kissed my head.

"Uhm Romero, why weren't you in school today?" I sat up so I could face him. He dropped his gaze on me for a short while then back at the wall.

"I got a letter" he stated and my brows morphed up in confusion. "Is this a game where I'm supposed to fill in the missing information?" A genuine laugh rolled from his mouth and I couldn't help but smile at my lame joke too.

"You really amuse me tesoro" he stated and stared at me with adoration once he had calmed down. A blush stained my cheeks and I said nothing in order to avoid further embarrassment.

"I got a letter to come play for a local basketball competition" he informed and my eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's good news and also a great start to get to into the national basketball competition too" he sighed and ran his fingers in his hair. His demeanor clearly indicated he wasn't as excited as I was.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"You're right Andrea, it's a great foundation but i declined it" he mumbled out. My face fell at his confession and I went closer to him and wrapped my arm around his. "Why?"

"Cause I'm the only one they asked to come join one of the teams and I don't plan on leaving the others behind. Gyeong, Damon, Rishi and i are one team, I couldn't just accept the invitation. I tried reasoning with the board in charge of the teams and the game to accept them as well but it was of no use so i had no choice but to decline their proposal" every words that dropped from his mouth made my heart soak deeply in the bossom of love for him.

"Angel can you make me a Promise?" He grabbed my hand and locked his eyes with mine. "W..what is it?"

"You won't tell Damon nor any of the guys about this" I smiled and placed my other hand on his. ''You have my words Romero but why wouldn't you want to tell them?"

"Cause I know how they are, they'll guilt trip me into accepting it" unity amongst people has always been a quality i admire especially amongst boys. It is so unique and attractive, that's one of the many reasons I love bands so much, the bangtan boys to be precised.

"I love you Romero" an amused smile crossed his lips and confusion sizzled in his eyes. "I know that Angel but this is out of the blue" I lacked words to describe how charming I found him and his personality so I just cuddled into his chest.


"Rise and shine sleeping beauty" i wish I could wake up to cheerful and soft voices like this every morning. I stretched out a bit and turned my body the other direction to carry on with my sleep but she had other intentions in her mysterious head.

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