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I glanced at the swim suits on my bed with my lip between my teeth while my brain fought with confusion

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I glanced at the swim suits on my bed with my lip between my teeth while my brain fought with confusion.

''Don't tell me you plan on changing your mind Andy" Nikki got out of the bathroom and got on my bed beside me.

I exhaled deeply and ran my fingers in my curls. "I don't know Nikki but all these are way too exposing, i-i don't think I'll be comfortable in it" she clicked her tongue and wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"Don't worry about that Andy, I have something else for you, I only hope it'll fit cause that ass" she dramatically raked her eyes over my body making me laugh.

"Don't be silly Nikki just show me the outfit" she giggled like a kid and went to get it. She pulled out a pair of white swim suit that was less revealing and I thanked her with a smile.

"It's no problem cutie, C'mon get your ass ready we'll be leaving soon" I nodded and got into the bathroom to get dressed.

The white trunk suited my body like a second skin but it was way more decent than the other ones she bought for me. I knotted my hair in a messy bun and left the bathroom.

"---last year was totally-- well look who we have here" the words died on her tongue as she drifted her gaze from Nicole to me.

I smiled shyly and tucked a strand of curl behind my ear. Tiffany grinned widely and came to hug me. "You look amazing baby girl, i bet someone will be left on the edge today" she wiggled her brows teasingly making my cheeks heat up.

It's so good seeing her back to the way she use to be. "It's good seeing you happy again Tiffany'' she wrapped her arm around me and exhaled with a smile.

"What can I say? A girl won't suck forever" I nodded in understanding although my curiosity wasn't satisfied that I didn't get to know what happened to her but since it isn't my business to meddle I left my curious ass hungry.

"C'mon we have to go now" Nicole announced as she packed some extra clothes into a small red duffle bag.

"Are we going to sleep over?"

"We have to Andy, Gyeong's place is a little bit far from the school and you don't have to worry about anything, his parents aren't there" i shook my head with a smile

"That's not the problem Nikki, it's just that I haven't slept at anyone's place before. Just my house and here at college sometimes when mother go out on a business trip and i tag along, we stay in a hotel". I explained

"Well there has to be a first in everything, by the way if you don't mind me asking why do you refer to your mom as mother?" My brows ridged in confusion

"What-- "I mean you've never said my mother or my mom, you make it seem like you are referring to---

"She's not my real mother and I have not come to accept her as a replacement for my mom" my voice was barely above a whisper but I was pretty sure they heard me.

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