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Blaring gold lights from a luxurious building streamed into the car through the window

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Blaring gold lights from a luxurious building streamed into the car through the window. The car came to a rest which signaled our arrival and i felt a light pound against my chest.

"Romero a.are you sure it is okay bringing me along?" He shifted his body so he could face me and cup my cheeks. "You don't have to worry tesoro, I made the right decision by bringing you over, C'mon let's go" he got down and i didn't bother waiting for him to get the door for me I was out already.

The softness of the lush green grasses pierced the sole of my footwear and I couldn't stop myself from gawking at the landscape of my new umbworld.

Beautiful can't describe the luxurious mansion. The crystal clear pool occupied a good amount of region in the middle of the land and the luscious garden was filled with nice flowers and trees growing in it.

"Your home is beautiful Romero" I whispered out as i kept looking around. Living a life of luxury isn't anything new to me but I must admit that all my life I haven't seen a mansion as grande as this.

My parents were wealthy people but mom never let us stay in a tremendous mansion like this, we lived in a beautiful duplex home in the Caribbean and Nora? I really don't know what exactly she spends her money on cause I don't know of any luxurious building she possesses.

Romero said nothing but watched me as i admired his home while taking slow strides towards the front door. "You're so beautiful" the words that fell off his lips made me give him my attention to find him staring at me with different emotions inundating in his eyes.

The intensity in his eyes and sincerity in his voice unlocked an emotion that I chose to ignore but now it has swam its way up to the shallow part of my heart.

I love Romero, i have fallen in love with him.

For the first time eroticism wasn't what I felt within me, I felt love, pure passion and other strong feelings spreading their colors in my heart and all for him.

I didn't know how long we stared at each other all i know was that i didn't want it to end, at least not yet. His eyes were a world on there own, a world i never want to return from despite the danger flashing brightly and signalling the aliens to stay away from.

I couldn't utter a word of response to his compliment so I did the first thing that came to my head. I pulled him by his shirt and locked my lips with his soft one that tasted like lemon.

I poured in all my feelings and desires into the kiss, thinking of nothing but just the both of us in a bubble of our own world filled with esctacy and love.

With the way his hands couldn't be at ease I decided to break the kiss before we end up going wild in front of the door. He didn't let me out of his grip just yet so he could continue his stare on me and at that moment I felt the urge to tell him how I really felt.

He swiped his thumb across my lips and placed a soft peck there before leading us in. Our hands were locked together as we paced through the cold and beautiful hallway of his home.

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