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Four years later

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Four years later

"Hey be careful with that it isn't easy to make art alright?" I cautioned the men that carried my works out of the gallery to the van waiting outside.

"Ms Garcia we... "Princess?" I swirled around to find aunt striding in with a glamorous smile on her face.

"Aunt, when did you get back?" I went over to hug her and placed an air kiss on her cheek. "I got back last night, you didn't think I'd miss your opening and the inauguration of your gallery, now did you?" I laughed heartily and shook my head a little.

"I'm glad you could make it anyways when is the wedding going to be?" She took in a deep breath and shook her head.

"We have no idea yet honey and Cristiano still has a lot to finish up in Paris so we may have it next month" she explained and i nodded in understanding.

"That's fine aunt, whenever you two are ready you can let me know so i can get down with the preparation" she smiled and pulled my cheeks.

"Of course princess, so are you free now? let's go have lunch" i checked the time on my wrist watch and looked at her with a guilty look cause I knew I was about to turn her down.

"I'm sorry aunt but I have to be at the stadium today. Today's the finals and I missed the semi finals already i don't want him to be mad at me" she smiled in understanding and nodded.

"It's fine sweetie, we can have lunch any other time. You can go now, you do not want to miss this special moment of his" I gave her a grateful smile and went to my office to get my stuff so we could leave.

"Good afternoon Ms Garcia" Williams, my personal driver greeted and i smiled in response. "Hello Williams" he got the door for me and i told him my destination.

All through the ride i let my head wrap around the amazing life i was able to build for myself. Graduating with honors from one of the best schools along with the people I love the most, building a successful career and reputation for myself and living with the love of my life.

It sure hasn't been so easy for all of us cause we've all had our shortcomings but we were able to pull through together.

Every morning I wake up to look at the magazines there's always a wave of pride and excitement when I see their faces as one of the rising basketballers and sports model.

Romero, Damon, Rishi and Gyeong and their other teammates had successfully built up a golden path in their career and I couldn't be any more proud and happy.

Since there was a little bit of traffic I quickly shot Nicole a text requesting her to begin a live video with me once they started game.

I'm pretty sure he'll be disappointed and hurt if he doesn't see me there.

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