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"Angel please open the door" I heard his voice but I didn't make a move

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"Angel please open the door" I heard his voice but I didn't make a move.

"Andrea please open up" Damon's voice followed after and it only made me sob harder. I stayed with my back resting on the cold tiles while I reminisced myself with my tears.

When I was sure I was done crying I washed my face and opened the door to find Romero still waiting for me.

"Tesoro" he called in a low voice and without warning I fell into his embrace. He protected me in his arms while i sobbed into his chest seeking comfort from the comfortable scented feature.

Without saying a word he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up into his body, my legs hooked around his waist and my face buried in the crook of his neck while he led me to what I assumed was his room.

The cold breeze from the air conditioner gave us an icy welcome and the scent of his cologne somehow soothed my raging heart. He laid me on the soft comfort of the bed and proceeded to go get something for me to drink but I stopped him.

"Please don't go Romero" I pleaded and his blue orbs gazed at me with raw emotions which made my heart race faster for him. He smiled and came to stay beside me.

"You don't have to worry Angel, I'll always be here with you" I curled into his chest with my fingers clutched to his shirt while he caressed my back to comfort me. Being with him lessened the weight in my chest but the aching pain of my loss was still lurking at a corner.

I was slowly falling into sleep when I realized the reason why we're here. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Romero, this shouldn't have happened I'm pretty sure your grandmother would be mad at....

"Hey relax alright? You don't have to apologize for anything and as for my grandmother i can handle her" he tried convincing me but I wasn't buying it.

"Romero" i whined and got out of his embrace but he held me back. "Don't be stubborn Andrea, you are more important than some family dinner we'll get to have again so shut up and relax" he scolded me which only resulted in a pout.

"But I'm okay now, so we can go join them and I don't want to give your family a bad impression" he took in a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Do you always have to think of what others say?" I bit on my lip and looked down on my thighs. People saying bad stuff about others is something that's part of the world we live in but it isn't normal to me.

I hate it when I'm being talked about especially in a bad way. This should be a reason for me to have heeded to the teachings of Nora on perfection cause being perfect will make people not have a reason to say something awful about another but there was a voice in my head that told me other wise.

Not every perfectionist gets the satisfaction of being worshipped and looked upon instead they get criticized for it and that's why i chose not to be a perfectionist. Who knows I may had fallen into the other category and by now I would have been living in a world of depression caused by words of criticism from people.

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