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My neck was trapped in the warmth of his fingers as his lips devoured mine

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My neck was trapped in the warmth of his fingers as his lips devoured mine. I tried my best to match up with his pace but he was faster than the rap lines of Eminem.

He pinned my hands above my head and hooked my thigh around his waist as he beastly and hungrily devoured my mouth.

I felt my body hit the softness of the bed and he hovered over me while trailing kisses down my neck.

My body and hormones were focused on the exotism his lips and fingers were bringing to my skin that I didn't realize when he stopped.

I slowly popped my eyes open to find him staring at me with hooded eyes filled with lust and desire which matched with what my heart and body wanted also.

The crotch panel of my shorts was drained in my milky fluid and I felt it soak more at every beat my heart made

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are Tesoro?" His hoarse voice made the nerves in my brains disconnect and pussy to soak more.

My cheeks could pass as a furnace and my body felt warm at his compliments and intense gaze. I didn't get the opportunity to utter a thank you when he crashed his lips on mine again

The evidence of his hard on was rubbing shamelessly on my thighs making it hard for me to keep my slutty needs at bay as I desperately wanted to feel him, all of him.

"Andrea tell me to stop cause there'll be no turning back" I shut my eyes and arched my back at the immense feeling his teeth and tongue brought to my body

I won't deny the slight fear tugging at the back of my chest but my desire and need for Romero wouldn't let me acknowledge that fear. I can't tell him to stop cause I can't bring myself to do so.

I've let him in already, I let him bring me into this world, I went against Nora and accepted him despite knowing he is the kind of guy she never wanted me to associate with so there's no point turning back.

I'm ready to give the god all of me and become his, I'm ready to acknowledge my feelings and I'm ready to face the obstacles that will come my way while I'm with him.

"I want you Romero" i let my mind and heart work together in producing those short yet powerful words.

"Andrea, I'll give you the last warning---

"Romero Rodrigo" I hissed in annoyance and watched the corner of his lips draw up into a smirk. "Impatient are we?" I rolled my eyes and that was definitely a wrong move cause my thighs got to be spanked by him.

A low moan of pain mixed with pleasure left my lips at the stinging feeling. I peeked through my lashes to find him glaring at me with a look of anger accompanied with the look of lust.

I pressed my thighs together and bit my lip cause I found his demeanor as a huge turn on. "Don't do that Andrea" he pulled my lip out and slowly jammed his with mine.

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