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My eyes locked with her whiskey brown ones that always appears angelic and very beautiful

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My eyes locked with her whiskey brown ones that always appears angelic and very beautiful. Her head stirred in other direction when she noticed my gaze and i watch her pull the side of her bottom lip to hold in her blush.

I rolled my eyes down her smooth thighs to her legs then back to her face, my brain memorizing every details of her body.

She still wasn't looking at me and some curls of her hair fell from the messy knot she made at the top of her head and stuck to her face.

Everything about her screams Angelic and even though I get the entire time in the world to stare at her it won't still be enough.

"--- will you join us Andy?" I broke out of my thoughts to find Nicole giving her a convincing look and I wonder what the conniving bitch was trying to make her do. Andrea looked unsure for a split second but all the indecisiveness got washed from her eyes after looking at Nicole's pleading eyes.

Nicole grabbed her wrist and pulled her with them leaving me with the heavenly view of her ass and no chance for me to question their whereabouts.

The party began and people had started flooding the pool but I still haven't caught sight of Andrea and the others.

"Rodrigo" I felt an arm around my shoulders and I tilted my head to find Damon with an annoying grin that always seem to piss me off.

I pushed his arm off with a glare which only made his grin widen. "Why are you here all alone cousin?" It wouldn't take two heads to know that he was in the track of teasing me but i wasn't going to let that, at least not this night.

"Is it a crime to be alone?" I raised a brow and his grin turned into a smirk. "You are waiting for Andrea, you don't have to worry she'll be here soon besides when are you going to tell her?" His demeanor turned serious and I pressed my lips together.

"I think I want her to find out by herself" he tucked his hands in his pocket and stared blankly at me. "You know she's going to be really hurt when she finds out we knew and we--- "I know that Damon but we just have to keep it from her for the time being cau---

"What are you two doing over here?" Rishi interrupted our conversation. His eyes traveled between us and i knew he sensed we were having a heated conversation.

"My apologies I didn't--- Damon waved him off with a half smile. "It's no problem Rishi" he nodded then looked at me. "The party has started and Gyeong is waiting for all of us"

"We'll be there in a minute" he patted my shoulder and left. "Think about it Romero" Damon adviced and walked out leaving me in the room of my thoughts.

After minutes of thinking about it i made my decision but i was going to wait for the right time.

The pool vicinity was occupied with the chatters, laughter and splashing sound of water. The music blasted through the speaker keeping everyone entertained and happy.

I rolled my shirt over my head and got into the cool water that had my muscles loosen up a bit. I swam for a little bit and decided to have a drink while sitting at the edge of the pool.

"It's good seeing you again Romero and you look more handsome than I remember" I felt nails drag on my skin and I looked up to find a pretty Latina that I can't remember ever meeting.

Her dark brown hair was let loose, her lips was tugged up in a smirk accompanied by the lustful gaze her eyes threw at me

I turned my eyes away from her hoping she'll get the hint but it turned out that she was the stubborn type.

She sat beside me and placed her palm on my thigh thinking her charms were working on me but it only made me annoyed.

I chose to stay faraway from the others to have a peace of mind and here, I have a horny young adult trying to work her tricks on me to get me into her bed.

I shouldn't have been here at this party but it isn't just a mere one, it is a celebration of someone I consider family so i had to be here.

"Why are you here, do you need anything?" Her body cracked up into a fit of laughter making me wonder what was funny.

"You are a very smart one Romero, don't tell me you haven't gotten the hint sweet heart, i want you of course" she leaned into my ears and I gave her a slight push.

"Then you are very dumb to see I'm not interested, find yourself another one" I swam away leaving her cursing and yelling at me.

I found myself at the other end of the large pool. I continued in the comfort of my loneliness while i drank and watched them have fun.

My eyes were focused on the activities of others but my mind was far off from the world until an Angel casted her spell to bring me back.

She was busy in her own little world of dancing, her ass shook under the water and her body moved to the erotic rhythm of the song.

What the fuck? Is she trying to--- she had gathered the attention of everyone without realizing it. Lust and surprise shimmered in most people's eyes and it annoyed me greatly.

Damon had a look of shock and i could tell he never knew his best friend had such a wonderful talent.

I sensed that she was going to be approached soon so I acted on impulse. I kept the drink on the deck and jumped into the water.

Nicole and the others caught sight of my presence and tried giving her a signal but my angel was completely out of the world.

They smiled teasingly and left us and though i couldn't see her face i could tell she was confused by their sudden disappearance.

I didn't give her a chance to look around, i wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into my chest.

A low yelp left her lips and she tried struggling out. "Relax Angel, it's me" her body visibly relax but her heaving chest and erratic breathing didn't cooperate with her relaxed body.

"Why'd you stop dancing tesoro?" I growled in her ears and loved the way her body reacted under the sound of my voice.

"Romero-- I pinched her hips causing a low moan to leave her lips. Slowly she grounded her ass on my crotch making me harder than i was. Her body shyly yet talently moved on me

The torture became too much for me and I lost control of my endurance. I spun her around and locked her lips with mine not caring about the people that may be looking at us.

My hand cupped her ass and I pulled her into my body leaving no space for friction. I could taste the orange flavor from the drink she just had mixed with the coconut taste of her lips I'll never get satisfied with.

I pulled her up into my body and carried her to the deck of the pool. She moaned because of the cold feeling of the tiles on her bare thighs and goosebumps appeared on her body

"You look beautiful as always tesoro" she dropped her head down to hide the blush.

"T-tha-- i didn't let her finish what she had to say I placed my lips on hers again.

"T-tha-- i didn't let her finish what she had to say I placed my lips on hers again

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