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I lazily dragged myself from the bed to go get ready for the day ahead of me

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I lazily dragged myself from the bed to go get ready for the day ahead of me. I brushed my teeth and got under the very cold shower to block the brewing headache.

I wrapped a towel around my hair and another around my body before leaving the bathroom. Nicole was up already but Tiffany was still fast asleep

Our eyes met and I wished her a good morning which she returned with a smile. She left Tiffany and got into the bathroom to get ready and I made myself comfortable in front of the dresser and turned the hair dryer on.

The vibrating sound of the hand tool caused a movement from Tiffany. I peeped through the mirror to see a frown on her brows and I could tell it's because of the sudden distruption.

I finished drying the water off my hair and applied a lotion to make my curls more bouncy and glossy.

Picking a red jumsuit from the wardrobe i quickly got into the skimpy attire and glanced at myself in the mirror. I certainly didn't like how my whole figure was in view but I had no choice cause I was in a hurry and changing out of it would be stressful.

I applied my gloss and perfume and bounced out of the room after wearing a pair of black velvet flats and carrying my bag and my sketchpad.

Thinking about the memories of yesterday morning I chose to avoid the cafeteria and go for the school's cafe instead hoping that destiny doesn't decide to play a trick and make us see each other.

"Good morning" I greeted the young guy behind the counter making him look up at me with a smile.

I took in his features and concluded he is indeed handsome but he wasn't as attractive as Romero.

I realized I just compared someone to Romero. I inwardly smacked myself and pulled up a lazy smile to hide my awkward behavior.

"Can I have a cup of lemon tea?" He nodded with a hospitable smile. "I'll get it right away" i stood there tapping my finger nails on the marble counter while I waited for him.

"Here you go" I thanked him with a smile and left. I checked the time and saw i still had few minutes before classes began so I headed to the library to wait a bit.

I was hit with the fragrance of coffee, leather and the familiar scent from the pages of the book along with the fresh scent of people's perfumes and colognes.

I found a spot at the far end of the library that was close to the floor length window and hidden from the view of the people. I settled down and turned the pages of my sketchpad to get myself busy.

Putting my headphones on i got to work. I was disoriented into the universe of arts i didn't realize when the person i dreaded to see was right in front of me.

"You skipped classes yesterday" he stated and i wanted nothing more than to slap him. As they say the best reply to a fool is silence so I ignored him and returned my attention back to my work.

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