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Squirming the strawberry scented handwash on my palm, I rubbed my palms together and rinsed the lather off my hands

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Squirming the strawberry scented handwash on my palm, I rubbed my palms together and rinsed the lather off my hands.

I turned to dry my hands when i bumped into a chest, a bare sturdy one to be precised. His scent was so familiar and it didn't take me a guess to know who it was.

My heart rate raced faster as i slowly looked up from his heaving chest to his face. "Romero what--- he stepped closer to me making me press my ass into the cold counter with a nervous look, sweaty palm and abnormal heart beat.

"Can I borrow your phone Angel?" My eyes went a bit wide at why he would want to use my phone. "B-but why, what about yours?" I managed to speak in hopes he would not notice how shaky my voice was

It is possible that if I give him my phone he will see the photos and he may think of me as one of those girls who want nothing but sex from him.

I managed to get away from his soul drowning gaze and tempting body. "You are very strange Romero, you left the arena just to come here and ask me for my phone?"

I felt his presence behind me and it didn't take a second before I was pulled into his body without a warning. The feeling of my back on his chest had me squeezing my eyes shut to control my hormones.

His chest and rock hard abs weren't the only things I felt, His hard manhood shamelessly rubbed my ass making it hard for me to breathe.

"That's because I wanted to use your phone and no one else's" his lips were so close to my ears and the feeling of it drew a sticky fluid to my panty.

"Romero i-- he softly bit on my neck and I lost control over my sounds. I shut my eyes and enjoyed the little moment of euphoria before a knock from the door brought me back to reality but he didn't make a move.

"Romero w-we have to stop this" i whispered and he kept teasing my neck with his lips.

"And I told you, I'll never stop until you give me a reason to" he licked on my earlobe and I moaned out again.

The erotic turmoil in my body was too much for me to handle at the same time I couldn't bring myself to stop him.

"I won't stop you if you want to ignore me but I hope you are ready for the temptation and post effect of your actions" once again he left me hanging and wanting more of his forbidden touch. I locked myself up in a stall to avoid whatever the girls will say after realizing he was in here with me.

His light touch and kisses were like fire burning my entire being. I felt it everywhere and the creamy substance on my panty didn't help my situation at all.

Once I was sure the washroom was empty I got out and sighed in relief. My eyes caught sight of my disheveled state and i opted to splash an amount of cold water on my face.

This will keep me sane until I get back to my room.

I left the bathroom and figured out they'll be in the cafeteria and to my assumption they were all there except Romero which I was grateful for yet slightly disappointed.

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