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He skillfully skimmed the car into the garage and we both got out to be engulfed into the dark sky of the night and the cool breeze

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He skillfully skimmed the car into the garage and we both got out to be engulfed into the dark sky of the night and the cool breeze.

I paused the motion of my feet once we got to the mini garden and I turned to face him to find his eyes fixed on me.

"U-uhm t-thank you for today Romero, it-- I felt a cold sensation on my delicate flesh and I realized it was because of the ring on his index

All saliva left my throat as I stared at his pools as deep as the ocean. "Don't mention it tesoro, C'mon you need to rest" he held his hand out and I looked at it then at him.

"Y-you don't have to do-- he didn't let me finish my speech he pulled my palm into his soft ones and led the way and I just stared at the side of his face that appeared slightly clenched giving him a rigid and hot mien.

We got into the elevator and he looked at me with expectancy clearly written in his blue orbs. I mumbled the number of the floor I lived in and he typed it on the numeric pad while I remained silent staring at my feet

I was lost in my thoughts thinking about the events of today and the surprisingly nice behavior of a guy mother definitely won't definitely approve me to be with and the irony of the situation is I find myself getting drawn to him

Romero and I have just known ourselves for a day but what he did for me today made it feel like we've known each other for eternity.

"---Andrea" the sudden snap of his fingers right in front of me brought me back from the thoughts of my imaginary world that was painted with his features since he crashed into my line of vision.

I noticed he was out of the elevator and I was still in. A small apologetic smile perked on my lips and I slowly walked out of the elevator to be by his side

"Room 305" I gave him the answer to his unasked question. His hands were tucked in his pockets as we strolled down the not silent hallway.

Thankfully the hallway was empty but the voices that came from behind each door proved the existence of humans that lived here.

I took out my card to open the door but it swung open before I got a chance to. "Oh my gosh Andy" Nicole shrieked and lodged into my arms taking me off guard.

She pulled away and scanned my face with worry being the prominent emotion in her blue orbs

"You got us so worried sick Andy, where did you run off--- her words died down at the back of her throat when she realized her cousin's presence. She looked between the both of us and opened her mouth to say something when she got interrupted by Damon's question.

Oh Lord! Damon. I totally forgot about my best friend and a feeling of guilt jab tightly in my chest. Nicole gave us a room to go in and immediately i was met with the chocolate shade of his marbles.

"Andy" he quickly swung himself up from the arm chair and strode towards me and engulfed my body into his broad one

"I'm so glad you're alright, I was worried sick. We were planning to come look for you already, tell me where were you and girl you got a lot of explanation" he had a pointed look on his face.

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