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"So you haven't heard from her in the past two weeks?" I sighed and dropped the chopstick on the tray before looking at him

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"So you haven't heard from her in the past two weeks?" I sighed and dropped the chopstick on the tray before looking at him.

"Yes Damon and I'm pretty sure her silence means she's planning something up her sleeves, Nora sometimes acts like a lunatic and I'm quite scared of what she... "Andy relax" he placed his palm on the back of mine to calm me down but it didn't work on me like it use to cause my thoughts were way beyond my control.

"You don't have to be scared of her alright, we all know she loves her reputation so much to take any drastic step".

"That I agree with you Damon but... "Andrea" he called me calmly with a warning note behind his tone. I exhaled loudly and looked away from him to face the noodles on my plate.

He quickly changed the topic and we finished our meal while having little talks but my thoughts sometimes drifted to Nora

"Where do you think we should... His phone interrupted his speech and he excused himself to get the call. I took out my phone to distract my mind before he gets back.

''Uhm Andy" i looked up to find a look of worry in his eyes which got me concerned. "Is everything okay?" He kicked out a fake smile of assurance but i wasn't buying.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"My aunt is in the hospital so i have to go, I'll see you later"

"No Damon, I'll come with you" i adjusted my bag on my shoulder and set my phone in it ready to follow him but he stopped me

"Andy relax, it's nothing so serious. She got into an accident and sustained a minor injury, I was a bit worried cause it's aunt Courtney and mom had already told me she'll be fine"

"A..are you sure Damon?" He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes as it always did meaning he is really not fine. "Andy I'm fine and she will be fine too. C'mon I'll take you to your room then.. "No Damon, you go I can manage"

He pulled up his stubborn look causing me to glare at him. "Damon don't create unnecessary difficulties and just go besides I have to make a stop at the library" I managed to convince him although he really didn't want to listen to me.

"I'll be going then" I smiled and nodded in approval before wrapping my arms around his torso. "Update me alright?" I told him once I pulled away

"Yh I will" he kissed my forehead and left.

"Two weeks ago you were with the other bastard and now him? Tell me something Andrea, how many more of them have you slept with?" The voice and presence I dreaded to hear for the past two weeks became a reality

"Did you just call Romero a bastard?" I ignored the other words he said to me and picked out the one that got straight to my heart.

He scoffed and took a step forward earning him a glare of spite from me. "Isn't that who he is? He sure acts like one of those kids whose mother don't know how to keep their legs closed and stay away from other people's marital life..... Without thinking i let my palm collide with his stupid face.

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