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"Andrea" his voice woke me up from my little nap

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"Andrea" his voice woke me up from my little nap. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up.

His beautiful face caught my sight causing a cheery flip in my stomach. "We're here" I scanned around only to realize we were in a.. Wood? I returned my attention back to him but he was out of the car already.

Before I could help myself out of the car he got it for me and held his hand out for me. "Thank you" I mumbled as i slipped my palm into his soft one and got down.

I was hit with the smell of nature and the warm color of the green grasses and trees. He interlocked our fingers together as we began moving down a narrow path.

The soiled grass meddled with the sole of our foot wears, colorful birds chirped from the branches of the trees and pretty butterflies spread their cheerful wings across the sky making me smile at the peace and beauty of nature.

As we walked further into the unknown track I couldn't help but feel like i was trapped in an enchanted forest. The rushing sound of water captured my interest as my ass became impatient to get to our destination.

"Wow!" The words fell from my lips as we arrived at the new vicinity. The scenery was mystical and beautiful for the eyes to behold.

My fingers itched horribly to capture the enchanted place in my camera and further get it on my canvas.

We got to the edge of a cliff and stopped walking and that was when i gave him my attention. His face was void of any emotion, his hands were tucked in his pocket and i could only but wonder what's going on in his head.

"Romero" I whispered and placed my palm on his sturdy arm, the action dragged his attention to me and I felt my whole switch flip on at his stare.

"Why'd you bring us here?" My voice was barely above a whisper but I knew he heard me. He remained silent while I kept staring at him waiting for his response.

"Isn't it beautiful?" The deepness of his silvery voice mixed with the running sound of the water made my heart pound faster for him.

"It's beautiful Romero but I'm still curious on why you brought us here" a small smile graced his lips but he didn't tear his gaze from whatever he was staring at.

"Cause I want us to be together in our own world Angel" he finally looked at me and I felt my throat run dry at his stare and words.

"You know? People use to visit this place a lot in the past" he informed and i gave him my full attention because I was getting interested in what he was yet to say.

"So why did they stop?"

"My uncle privatized this place and now it is exclusive for just the Rodrigo family" I should have asked the reason why it was privatized but I held my curiosity at bay cause I could sense it was a touchy topic for him so I'll let him tell me at his own pace.

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