Chapter- 1 Our Beginning

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~ Once upon a time 10 years ago~

2nd year of high school

Kenma felt a strong arm be strewn around his hunched shoulders, and the deep musk he knew even better than his own filled his senses. 

"Kenma, what are you doing?"

Kenma pressed the buttons on his Nintendo switch in rapid succession. In a monotone voice, he replied, "what does it look like?"

"It looks like you're ignoring me. I need attention! Come on, let me see that."

Kuroo tried to grab the switch, but Kenma squatted down avoiding his seeking fingers. Kuroo narrowed his shrewd cat-like eyes at the top of his best friend's head. "Really Kenma?"


Kenma blew someone up on the screen, and Kuroo knelt down behind him. His long knees bracketed Kenma's hips as he placed his chest to Kenma's back. He smirked to himself when the smaller boy's body completely froze at Kuroo being so close to him. 

Pretending to be oblivious just to torture him some more, Kuroo placed his chin on Kenma's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "So are you winning?"

Kenma could barely even see the screen. He was operating on pure muscle memory as he played. "Yes," was the only reply he could muster because he was afraid his voice would crack otherwise.

Kuroo's long fingers traced over Kenma's arms, and he chuckled when Kenma's screen flashed the words GAME OVER. 

Through his long blonde bangs, Kenma glared back at Kuroo. "Why'd you make me lose?"

"I didn't. You just got distracted."

"Becauase you distracted me." Kenma stood up, and Kuroo had to resist the urge from sinking his blunt teeth into Kenma's perky asscheek that was right in front of his face. "I'm leaving."

Kenma walked off toward Nekoma's gymnasium for their evening practice, and Kuroo tried to contain himself with a few deep breaths. He had meant to mess with Kenma, but he had riled himself up as well. "Bugs, burnt toast, soggy noodles, old man balls." He shuddered at that last one. The unpleasant thoughts began to work though because his erection was slowly going down despite images of bending Kenma over still lingering in his mind. 

Once he was sure his tight briefs could hide his erection, Kuroo got to his full height and jogged after the shorter setter. 

"Kenma! Come back pudding head!"

"Go away Tetsurō," Kenma deadpanned as he restarted his game. 

"Nope!" Kuroo made sure to pop that p at the end. 

He snatched up Kenma's switch and held it high above his head. Kenma's molten golden eyes narrowed at Kuroo, and he smiled in the face of his best friend's annoyance. 

"What's wrong chibi-chan? Can't reach?"

"Give it back."

"Nahhh. I think you should jump for it."

Kenma took a moment to appraise the tiny strip of tanned flesh peaking out from beneath Kuroo's shirt. His abs were just barely visible, and Kenma intentionally tore his eyes away from the chiseled flesh. It didn't matter how many times he saw Kuroo's body, it still drew such an intense reaction out of the smaller boy. 

"We both know I can't reach that. Just give it."

"Hmmmm. I think not~" Kuroo raised a challenging black brow and purred, "I could be convinced to give it back though."

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now