Chapter- 36 🍋 Good Bye

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Kuroo kicked off the stairs and past Kenma. "Come on flower, let's get you in the bath."

As he picked their partner up in his arms, he handed off the bank statements to Kenma. While Kuroo settled into the warm rose petal-scented bath with Luna resting against his bare chest, Kenma had his laptop out double and triple checking all of Suna's purchases with frighteningly intrusive measures thanks to all his online friends.

"I don't want to admit it, but every one of these are real..." Kenma grumbled as he ripped a bite out of his twizzler despite Luna having made him a healthy balanced breakfast.

"It doesn't mean he didn't leave some stuff off," Kuroo challenged while lazily playing footsie with some of the bubbles.

"I told you guys...he wouldn't do that. He wouldn't come all the way here & go through all that trouble just to lie again.. it wouldn't make sense."

Kenma sunk his face down into his hoodie so that just his angry eyes were poking out. "That's true I guess. If he wanted to lie, it would've been best to ask all the guys from the bar to testify for him as opposed to giving you these. Which by the way, I can totally hack into his card if you want me to."


"What? I'm just saying, it's an option."

"An illegal option!!"

"So only you and Lu are allowed to do illegal things?"

"Yes!! And while hacking into that asshole's card and spending all of his money would be enjoyable," Kenma nodded in agreement, "it's not the right thing to do & you know it kitten."

Luna listened to the two bicker back and forth about what was the right or wrong thing to do, but as the bath began to temper into a lukewarm bubbleless tub the sad reality that she needed to stop using the boys as crutches settled into her mind.


Kenma stopped pointing in Kuroo's face and Kuroo ceased trying to bite said finger.

"What is it flower?"

"I think I need time...time away from you guys too."

Kenma recoiled as if he had been slapped. "What? Why?"

"Because as long as I stay here," she motioned to Kuroo's arms and under Kenma's all-seeing gaze, "I'm never going to level up..I'm always going to be just as broken as I am today because I never learned to love myself. When I'm with you guys, it's so easy to just be, ya know? There isn't anything I have to hide, there's no area of myself I need to improve. We simply fit together like wonky cogs in a very dysfunctional clock."

"I like dysfunctional clocks though. Especially when they have those annoying little birds that chirp. Kenma what are those things called?"

"Cookoo clocks, but shut up. Luna, look at me," Kenma grasped her chin and turned her eyes to meet his own cat-like ones. As he searched her face for answers he asked, "are you leaving us too?"

Kuroo's body tensed beneath Luna's as he awaited her answer. "No. I-I could never leave you guys. I love you both so much that it'd be impossible to live without both of you, but I need to learn to stand on my own two feet otherwise I'll forever lean into you and Tetsurō instead of learning to walk my own path."

Luna kissed Kenma square on the lips. "I'm not doing this to hurt you guys. I'm not going to turn off my phone or ignore you both. I'm just going to try and live by least until the end of the month so that I can figure out what's going on in my own head. But please, know that I love you Kenma Kozume. I love you both," she looked over her shoulder at Kuroo who was greedily awaiting her lips to meet his. After a biting kiss, she whispered, "I love you guys more than anything...I just need to do this for myself."

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now