Chapter- 24 Uncomfortable Encounters

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Luna barely managed to get up the next morning. Even after the thigh massage Kuroo gave her before going to work, she felt like she had just run a marathon. Her entire body was sore, heavy, and painfully crampy. She didn't even feel safe wearing her heels, so she was walking into work wearing a decently cute set of flats that matched her white pencil skirt. 

He wasn't sure how it kept working out, but Sakusa had a tendency to just be in the right place at the right time to see Luna nearly every morning. 

"Good morning Luna."

"Morning Sakusa," she sighed. 

The two birthmarks above his right brow pulled together in concern. "Are you alright?"

"I feel like death," she muttered to what he assumed was supposed to be to herself because she said to him, "I'm fine honey. I just need some coffee to wake up."

"Do you want me to get you some?"

"No, it's fine. I'll just order some." She yawned as she hit the elevator button. "I have an early meeting with the budget team anyways."

Sakusa looked at his watch. It was 20 minutes before 7 am. "I could get you one..from the cafeteria?"

"That's super sweet of you, but I'm okay. I know you all have cardio training today, so make sure to drink lots of electrolytes."

As she dismissed him with a friendly air pat, Sakura watched her walk away. He became incredibly uncomfortable when he saw a smearing of red on her butt. He instantly got uneasy at having seen someone else's blood. 

Knowing he was not equipped for such a conversation, he pulled out his phone. With shaking hands he made a call. 

Sakusa felt squeezy as the deep voice rolled over the line, "What do you want?"

"I was calling to let you know that you need to pick up a large coffee on your way to work-"

"Excuse you?"

"-and try and be here in the next 15 minutes. Your girlfriend is," Sakusa barely gagged out, "bleeding."

Suna had to admit he could not recall a single time in the last four years that he had received a phone call from the quiet germaphobe, so he was confused when he saw his name pop up on his car's Bluetooth screen. 

Suna barely managed to stop at the red light he was so distracted. He flipped off the person blaring his horn at him because of the jerky stop. "Repeat that last part?"

Sakusa's voice was all shaky as he said, "Luna, has blood on her skirt."

Now Suna knew Sakusa was an only child, and there was a chance the germy man hadn't dated much thus he likely hadn't gotten the oh-so-scaring experience of one's little sister or ex-girlfriend screaming at him about how her period had snuck up on her at the worst time humanly possible. 

Knowing all that and not wanting to talk about his girlfriend with anyone else, Suna snapped, "I'll be there soon."

After running a few questionably yellow lights, Suna strode into the gym with a box of donuts, coffee, and Midol in hand. Since he didn't want to slosh the coffee everywhere, he was going to take the elevator up to Luna's office instead of the stairs, but that seemed to be a critical mistake because Chatty Cathy, aka Atsumu, was walking with Coach Foster toward the same destination. 

Atsumu noticed Suna with his hands full, and instinctually he assumed everything someone else had was all for him, so he said, "Donuts?! For me~! Rin, you shouldn't have."

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now