Chapter- 38 Hearts

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8 pm

Luna wasn't the only one who had had a long week. 

Suna was riding up his elevator when the smell of home-cooked food began to invade his senses. "Fucking lucky asshole," he grumbled as he assumed it was one of his neighbors getting spoiled by their partner, but the farther up the elevator went the stronger the scent became. 

When Suna walked out onto his floor, he froze. 

In the middle of his kitchen was Luna. She had her hair swept up in a clamp holding it off her sweater-covered neck as she hummed to herself off-key and went through the motions of cooking. Suna wasn't sure if his imagination was even able to create something so perfect because when she turned around he saw that the sweater she was wearing was one of his. 

"Oh! Hi, Rin," Luna said shyly as quickly set down her mixing bowl. She wiped her hands on her jeans a few times before nervously rambling, "I-I'm sorry to barge in like this. I know you don't like it when people just show up unannounced, but...I wanted to see you."

Suna carefully set down his keys and wallet on the table by the door, for he was sure if he moved too quickly the illusion would disappear. Alas he was a masochist at heart, so he gave into the fantasy and replied, "I don't like Atsumu being here, but you're different. It's honestly a dream of mine to come home and see you here."

Luna blushed all the way to the tips of her ears as she wiggled her sock-covered toes anxiously. "I've dreamed about that too, b-but I wanted to come by to talk to you."

Suna hummed in acknowledgment while making his way through his home. Luna became increasingly aware of that magnetic draw between her and Suna the closer he got. When he finally came to stand within arms reach, she was completely hopeless. All she could do was get lost in those narrow slanted olive green eyes that were watching her from beneath his styled chestnut brown hair. Suna lifted his big calloused hand and cupped her cheek tenderly. "Before we talk, I need to say something, Luna."

Her heartbeat kicked up into a furiously frightening pace. "O-hhkay."

"Don't be scared, beautiful. I'm more nervous than you are, I promise."

"I sincerely doubt that," she whispered making his brows rise in amusement. 

As the blanket of quietness spread across the two intimately connected people, Luna leaned into the silently strong man who was staring at her adoringly. In a way so curt that it matched Suna to a tee, he said, "I love you, Luna."

There was no extra fluff. No additional words to cloud its meaning, but she knew it was the truth when Suna continued to hold her wordlessly and pouring his heart out by letting her see him look so vulnerable. 

"I love you too Rin." He caught her tear before it fell as she continued, "I know I shouted it at you last time, but I genuinely meant it."

Suna tenderly reached for her small hand before running his thumb across her soft knuckles. As he reverently stroked her hand, he murmured worriedly, "Beauty, how can you say that when I fucked up by not telling you about the bet?"

With her free hand, she placed two of her fingers beneath Rin's sharp chin so that his narrow olive green eyes lifted to her gently smiling ones. "You did mess up baby, but are you still dating me for a bet?"

"Of course not," he snapped in his dry monotone voice. "Luna, I love you."


When he looked at her like she was a cockatoo, she chuckled softly, "a lot of people start dating for physical reasons, and then those initial shallow attractions begin to deepen as their relationships change. You talked to me for a bet, and yeah, you should have fucking told me about it, but why would I throw away an entire month of happiness over a single relatively harmless lie?"

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now