Chapter- 22 Morning After🍋

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After falling asleep beside Suna after their amazing sex, she was surprised when she woke up to an empty bed, and she frowned at Suna's vacant spot beside her. At being so alone she felt a bit self-conscious as she pulled up the covers to her chest. It was unusual for her to wake up alone since Kenma had a habit of either sleeping forever or never sleeping. But even if he or Kuroo weren't next to her, she'd still be able to hear his video games or Kuroo's raspy voice throughout the house. 

Now though, it was completely silent

Luna slipped out of bed and quickly threw on her dress as she didn't feel comfortable being naked right then. Suna's house is a beautiful penthouse with exposed brick accents, high industrial ceilings, and a slick polished cement floor that added to the overall manly feeling of the home. However, she longed to feel the comforting cozy feeling of carpet or her slippers on her bare feet because everything just felt...cold. 

"Rin?" she called out nervously. 

When no response came, she looked around the living room as well as the kitchen. "It's only 7 am. Where could he be?"

There was no note. She checked her phone, and he hadn't called or texted her. 

Did he...not want her there?


Suna repped the benchpress bar and tried to ignore Atsumu's smug face hovering over him. "Move your face, it's annoying me," Suna grunted as he finish his set. 

"I must say Rin, you look absolutely glowing this morning."

"Don't say weird shit like that to me. I'm not pregnant." He racked the weights filling the mostly silent gym with the sounds of the plates slamming together. 

"You may not be pregnant, but 'Samu, does he not look especially youthful this morning?"

Osamu still wondered how the hell he got dragged along to these workouts. He was a chef damn it. He didn't want to wake up at the asscrack of dawn to train with Atsumu, Suna, and occasionally Kita- however, he was away on business for the week.

Osamu did have to admit though, "You look like ya finally got some sleep, that's for sure."

"Sleep?! That's whatcha think this is?"

"No, that's not it." Osamu gave Suna a knowing look as he said, "Ya look like you got laid."

Atsumu's eyes bugged out. "WHAT?!! You went out without me last night!"

Suna glared at Osamu. "Your brother has no filter. Was this really necessary?"

Osamu shrugged and went back to his bicep curls. "I didn't know it was a secret."

"Wait! 'Tsumu are you saying you know who she is!?" Atsumu pointed an accusing finger at Suna who shook his head in annoyance. "I demand you tell me who she is!"

"And when have I ever listened to you?" Suna deadpanned as he moved over to the leg press. 

"I will call in the higher power if you don't tell me!!!"

"You're calling Morgan Freeman?" Atsumu picked up a five-pound medicine ball and threw it at Osamu who snapped, "HEY! Fuck'n watch yerself!!"

"Then don't be annoying!! You know I meant Kita!"

Suna loaded up his weight before settling into the seat. When he unlatched the safety, Atsumu dropped his entire body over the weight. "Move," Suna groaned as he tried to push up. 

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now