Chapter- 3 Going Out

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Kuroo walked into the loud bar. The smell of booze assaulted his nostrils in the best way possible, and he greedily inhaled. "God it feels good to be out again."

"No, it doesn't."

Kuroo looked down at Kenma, and he placed his hand on the upper part of his back and patted him gently. "I'm glad you decided to come out with me tonight."

"Did I? Did I agree, or did you steal my house keys and wallet?" Kenma accused with a raised brow.

"Potato potatoe! come on Kenma! You're already out. Why don't we have some fun?"

Kenma huddled farther into his hoodie making Kuroo find him even more adorable. "I don't want to have fun. I want to go home."

"Well too bad!" Kuroo grabbed Kenma by the back of his neck and he kind of dragged him farther into the bar. Kuroo led them toward the roped-off VIP area.

Atsumu and Osamu were chugging two pints of beer, and Bokuto and Hinata were cheering loudly. Kuroo felt right at home with the loud mouths as he joined in, "My money is on Osamu!"

Bokuto's black and white head whipped toward Kuroo and Kenma. "AYYEE!! You guys showed!!"

"Hey Kenma!" Hinata chirped as he bounced over to Kenma who gave his first genuine smile of the night.

"Hi Shoyo."

Knowing he wouldn't try and escape and leave his friend, Kuroo ruffled Kenma's hair and muttered, "I'll be over there if you need me, okay?"

"I'll be fine Testu," said quietly.

Kuroo wandered over to the Miya twins who were still guzzling to the best of their abilities. He spotted Suna, and they nodded to one another. "Hey Rin, what's up bud?"

"Nothing much," Suna said as he counted a stack of cash.

"What's with all the money? You hitting up some drug deals on the side?"

Suna chuckled, "Nah. I like my career too much to pick that up. It's for later."


Atsumu slammed down his stein of beer and loudly screamed victoriously, "SUCK IT 'SAMU!!"

The gray-haired twin finished seconds after him. "Shut ta fuck up "Tsumu! Ya barely won."

"But what's important is that I won!!"

As they slammed their foreheads together, Suna sighed, "Atsumu wants to go to a strip club after the bar."

"Ahhhh makes sense!"

"You want to come along?" Suna asked as he set aside another organized stack.

Kuroo looked over to Kenma. He felt a bit of jealousy snake up his spine as Kenma sat closely to Hinata. Their two faces were right next to one another as Kenma showed Hinata something on his phone. The ginger's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed something that made Kenma giggle.

They weren't together, so he had no right to feel possessive, but it still sucked to see the man he adored having fun with another guy. He was in desperate need of distraction, so Kuroo nodded. "yeah man. Naked chicks? How could I say no!"

Bokuto flopped down right next to Kuroo nearly sitting on his lap. "You good birdie?" Kuroo laughed as he threw his arm casually behind Bokuto's chair.

"I feel amaaaazing!!!"

Suna translated, "he's 5 shots in."

"Ahhhh, that explains a lot. Kotaro, you need to learn to pace yourself, my man. Look at the twins! they look sober as the day they were born!"

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now