Chapter-12 Imagination🍋

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Luna had causally offered to let Kageyama crash in her spare bedroom so that he wouldn't have to endure another night of trying to sleep in the perfume-tainted hotel room. He readily agreed and drove her over to her car which was still parked behind the bar. Now the two of them were parking in her driveway, and she was unlocking her front door. 

"Make yourself at home! I need to grab some fresh linens for the bed upstairs, so feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge."

Luna bent down to peel off her high heels, and Kageyama strategically looked away from her ass because it was almost too much not to touch the round plump flesh. He was both saddened and grateful when she jogged up the stairs. 

"Come on Tobio. You can do this," he whispered to himself as he slapped his cheeks in an effort to pull his heads out of the gutter. 

Thinking that maybe some water would cool him off, he walked through her modest but wonderfully cozy home. As he made his way to the kitchen, he noticed that her walls were decorated in numerous photos from throughout the decade. Photos of all different ages painted the picture of how close her friendship with Kuroo and Kenma was, and he felt himself becoming jealous over two people who weren't even there. 

He was standing in front of a photo of Luna at a rave. Her breasts were barely concealed in what looked like industrial black tape bandeou while the rest of her body was essentially bare aside from the ripped fishnets that clung to her legs. He had no idea what bottoms she was wearing because she was up on Kuroo's bare shoulders as they cheered to whatever song must have been playing. 

Luna wandered back downstairs to see Kageyama paused in front of one of her less tame photos. She blushed embarrassedly and said, "Kenma took that photo of us."

Kageyama jumped in fright. "Fuck. I didn't hear you come down. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare I just...I'm trying to figure this out."

"Figure what out?" She came to stand right next to Kageyama, and his naturally masculine smell rolled off his body like the most dangerously intoxicating scent. 

"You and your..friends. You all seem a little too close to just be friends."

"Believe me you're not the first one to think that. We've actually gotten those comments a lot over the years." As she stared at Kuroo's smiling face, she whispered, "but they recently started dating one another, so..obviously they don't feel that way about me."

Something in her voice made Kageyama covetous of the heart that she was clearly wearing on her sleeve. Kageyama was never afraid to go for things he wanted, and romantic situations were no different. Thus it felt natural to him to run his hand down Luna's arm. 

She gasped at the warm touch, but she didn't pull away from his electric fingers. "K-Kageyama? What are you doing?"

"You looked sad. Do you want a hug?" he offered while holding his arms slightly away from his body. 

"I didn't take you for the hugging type."

"I'm definitely not. I will punch someone like Hinata in the face long before they touch me," Luna's giggle soothed a jagged edge of the king's cold heart, "but with women it's different."

Luna contemplated it for a second. She did want a hug. It didn't even necessarily have to be Kageyama's. She was feeling so alone that she wanted to feel anyone's warm embrace to assuage the sadness that was lingering in her heart, but the longer she looked into Kageyama's intense eyes she realized that maybe a hug by Kageyama would mean something more than just a random set of arms keeping her warm. 

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