Chapter- 15 Give Me A Chance

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Luna propped her hip on her desk as Suna lowered the blinds to her door's window. He turned the lock and finally turned to set those narrow green eyes on her. Suna's shoulders were a little hunched as he hooked his thumbs into the pockets of his volleyball shorts, but he was still a very large man to be hovering in her now very private office. 

"Suna, how can I help you today?" she murmured. She had a clue why he was here if the hungry look in his eye was any indication, but she hadn't gotten the chance to talk to him since their brief makeout session in his car. 

"I overheard a very interesting conversation just now."

"You were eavesdropping on Kageyama and me?" Luna just shrugged causing Suna to raise a questioning brow. "I don't mind that you did. It's my mistake for letting him talk about those things in such a public area."

"I guess it's a good thing no one can disturb us right now then, isn't it?"

Suna walked up to her desk until he was inches away from her body. Luna placed her palms on her desk and leaned back to see his eyes that were dancing across her body. 

"Why did you let him go home with you and not me?" Suna questioned making her cringe. 

She knew she didn't owe Suna an explanation, but she wanted to come clean. there was something about the quiet middle blocker than made her want to open up. He was similar to Sakusa in that way, but of course, her connection with Suna was laced with a huge dosage of desire. "I didn't have sex with him if that's what you're assuming. We left the gym together the other night super late, and I let him crash at my place. With everything going on, it was...convenient."

Suna ran a single finger along the collar of her shirt making her shiver. Through his dark lashes, she could see how much longing lay in those swirling olive eyes. "For a beauty like you to go unsatisfied, that sounds like a crime. Tell me beautiful, were you two not compatible?"

"I'm not going to talk shit about the man because we didn't even do anything. I turned him down this morning," she chuckled huskily as Suna began to wind her ponytail around his hand. 

"Turned him down? Sounds to me like he choked when he finally got the chance to have you all to himself. I have to say," Suna pulled on her hair slowly exposing her neck to him, "I'm a little jealous."

Luna moaned as Suna's lips connected on a sensitive spot beneath her ear. He sucked on it hard enough that she knew there'd be a mark, and her fingers found purchase on his hips as she pulled herself closer to him. 

Suna bit her earlobe making her clench her legs to try and hide how wet he was making her. "Tell me beauty, did he make you feel like this?"

Shakily she whispered, "N-no."

"Do you want me to keep going?" he purred as his tongue traced the shell of her ear. 

"I want you to, but I-I don't want to lie to you." Suna hummed in encouragement for her to keep talking even though he was distracting her with his kisses and his hand had begun to massage her hip. "I don't know where my life is going, and I-I don't want to lead you on promising something that I can't."

"Is there someone else?" he wondered.


Suna pulled out her ponytail holder letting her hair tumble down her back, and she sighed in happiness as his fingers began to run across her scalp. Suna kissed her lips making her eyes shoot open. he gave her a lopsided smirk. "Sorry. I just wanted to taste your smile."

"Yeah? Does it taste any different that before?"

"I think so," he rumbled in a voice that was much more of a rumble than an actual sound. "I don't know for sure though. I think I need another taste."

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now