Chapter- 9 Suna

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Luna honestly had no clue how she got here. 

She was seated in between Atsumu and Sakusa, and Hinata, Bokuto, and Suna were all at the table of the quaint yet successful Onigiri restaurant ran by Osamu who was perched at the end of the table. 

The table was littered with sake bottles, and Hinata was currently talking, "Wait so like could you technically give a blowjob to two dicks at once?"

All of them were way too drunk to even begin to care about how weird of a question that was. Luna looked at Bokuto, both of them genuinely contemplating it. 

"I mean yeah? Like why not? Maybe not deep throating, but you got two cheeks, right?" Luna proposed making Atsumu's head drunkenly turn toward her. 

Bokuto held up a finger and added, "It depends on how big the dicks are too!"

"My cock is the same size as 'Samu's, wana find out if it's possible?"

Luna giggled hysterically as Osamu slapped his twin upside the back of his head rather hard. "Shut yer trap. That was rude as hell."

"It was a question...I only asked IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE!"

"In the name of science? I feel like you need to work that into your next failed pickup line," Luna giggled making her accidentally bounce off Sakusa's shoulder. "Whoops. Sorry honey."

Apparently, 3 bottles of sake Sakusa didn't care much about germs because he just shrugged. "Tis fine."

"So can I like keep my head here?" she asked as she plopped her head down on his shoulder. 

He allowed it for like 5 seconds before he shuttered. "Okay no."

They all laughed as her head rolled the other way and plonked onto Atsumu's head. Somehow during the night, they had established that she really was a little sister he never wanted, so he simply tried to pat her head affectionately. Sadly he missed miserably and ended up patting her entire face because his hand was so giant.

"Eewww your finger got in my mouth!"

"Your mouth got on my finger," he complained as he wiped it on his shirt. 

"That's it, I'm finding a new spot." 

While she clambered to her feet, Osamu held out his hand to help her walk around the table. 

"Come sit here cutie-chan!!!"

"No! You're too handsy," she giggled while making herself comfortable in the tiny gap between Suna and Osamu. 

Atsumu smiled at her evilly as he pointed his bottle at Suna, who was being very quiet. "He's no less handsy."

Luna looked up at Suna, but he was glaring across the table at his teammate. "Would you shut up?"

"Yeah don't be a cock block just because yer dick ain't working right," Osamu added as he punched his brother in the shoulder. 

"Oh and yer telling me you'd hit that?!"

Osamu looked Luna up and down, and she matched his questioning gaze. He gave her a smile that reminded her wayyy too much of Atsumu as he said, "Fuck yes."

"That's super sweet, but I don't think I could ever bang you because I feel like I'd accidentally imagine your brother. Then the whole mood would be ruined."

Osamu tipped his head back and laughed hard enough that he nearly got a cramp in his side. Atsumu however rolled up a napkin and chucked it at her face. "You'd be lucky to have the chance to ride my dick!"

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now