Chapter- 13 Dense

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She mentally ran through her checklist as she walked to her front door. She used Kageyama's offered arm to held stabilize herself as she slipped on her shoes. Once she was in snugly, she opened her front door to leave.

As the chilling winter air slapped her in the face, she felt her entire blood run cold.


Kenma knew he was walking into something he didn't like when he didn't recognize the white Mercedes SUV sitting in her drive, but he didn't expect Tobio Kageyama to be standing right behind Luna.

His blue eyes narrowed suspiciously as he spied the shorter male standing outside Luna's door. "Oh. It's you."

Kenma didn't even try and hide his emotions from Luna as he met her gaze. "Kageyama? Really?"

Luna crossed her arms over her chest defensively. In her fragile state she would have preferred to deal with Kuroo's yelling than Kenma's pointed comments, but it seemed lady luck wouldn't be shining upon her that morning since she was met with one very angry Kozume. Kageyama hated the way Luna was pulling in on herself, so he placed a protective hand on her shoulder. Kenma noticed how intimately Kageyama was touching his best friend. "Can we help you with something?"

"I'm not here to talk to you. I want to talk to Luna." Kenma's voice held very little room for arguing as he murmured, "alone."

"Tch. I'm not moving unless she asks me to," Kageyama declared making Kenma's frown get even worse.

...Did Kageyama actually like her?...

Luna closed her eyes and tried to ignore both of the men snarling at one another over her head. "I don't have time for this right now. Tobio, you need to go to the team, so go ahead without me."

"Tobio?" Kenma whispered. "You two are on a first-name basis now?"

Feeling frustrated tears beginning to prick the back of her eyes, she murmured, "I don't want to do this right now Kenma."

Kageyama was torn on what was the right thing to do. He could see how sad she was looking, and he hated it since just moments ago she had been smiling so sweetly at him. However he didn't know what was going on, and he could tell they had a history based on how she had lovingly decorated her home in pictures of the rival setter.

"Yeah okay," Kageyama muttered. "I'll come up and stop by your office later today though to check on you."

"That's fine." Luna couldn't meet either of their gazes as she stepped aside to let Kageyama out, and for Kenma to step in.

As her past and present brushed shoulders, Luna couldn't help but feel caught between the two great forces that were pushing and pulling on her fragile heart. 

Kenma sat down on the couch he had sat on hundreds of times before, but now it felt different...he felt tense. His all-seeing eyes flickered around the modest living room looking for anything out of place. 

Luna noticed Kenma's gaze, so she murmured, "You can stop that."

"Stop what?"

"Stop looking for signs of if we had sex."

Kenma dropped his eyes to the ground. "You know me a little too well." When she didn't respond he peeked at her through his blond stands of hair to find her poking away at her phone. "Is this how you and Kuroo feel every time I'm on my phone? It's annoying.."

Luna smiled as she sent off the mass email. She set her phone down on the table after turning up the ringer in case an emergency came through. "It's super annoying, but unlike you, I wasn't playing a little game. I was sending off an email letting everyone I was going to be in late."

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now