Chapter 27- Vacation🍋

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Kuroo picked Luna up by her armpits and spun her around their home making her squeal in joy. She clung to the crazy man whose psychotic laughter filled the warm home. "I'm so pumped!! We haven't gone on a trip in forever!"

"I know right?! I'm glad you guys chose Kyoto!"

Kuroo swung her around so that she was on his back. She hugged his neck and happily kissed his cheek. "We settled on somewhere pretty close since Kenma was getting grumpy at having to travel too far from home."

"How did we let him become such a hermit?"

"I don't know, but he's kind of cute like that."

Luna and Kuroo both tilted their head to the side as they watched Kenma dig through their bags grumbling to himself about making sure he had all his chargers. Feeling as though he was being watched, like his inner spirit animal, Kenma's popped his head up like a meerkat. He turned toward his partners. "What?"

Luna waggled her finger at him. "Are those the socks I bought for you last year?"

Kenma looked down at the thick wool socks pulled up over his red sweatpants. "Yeah..I got cold.."

"Well come on kitten, you and Lu go get the car warmed up. I'll handle the bags."

Luna slid off Kuroo's back like a slide and skipped over to Kenma. "Let's go snuggle in the car!"

Once they were off to see the wizard, the entire drive was an absolute blast. Luna and Kuroo belted out all the wrong lyrics to their favorite songs while Kuroo added in a few angry road rage induced honks as he drove them to Kyoto. Kenma sat back listening to his annoying lovers as he built his little farm in animal crossing. He got a new piglet that was pink and cute, and Luna was only slightly insulted when he named it after her. 

As they arrived in front of a very private bed and breakfast, Kenma was forced to admit he liked it. 

"Tetsurō you did soooo good!! This place is so pretty!"

"I know right? There is this shrine I want to go check out later at sunset," Kuroo pinched Luna's butt and offered, "Why don't you come up there with me later?"

"I'm not having sex with you at a shrine, you freak!!" Luna giggled while pulling out her small suitcase from the trunk. 

"But come on, it'd be so much fun!"

"Fun? You mean like how you made us run away from that police officer our senior year because you and Luna broke into coach Nekomata's house?" Kenma muttered pointedly. 

"Hey!! He loved that scarf we got him!" Luna snapped while crossing her arms over her chest. "I just like to give people surprises is all.."

"Yeah, but you could have just given it to him instead of making it so much more work by breaking and entering."

Kuroo smirked at him and asked, "What are you actually upset about kitten? The fact that we made you participate in illegal activity or that you had to run?"

Luna and Kuroo laughed at Kenma when he snarled silently and walked away. They all knew it was the running. 


Once they were all settled in, Luna walked out on the balcony to join Kuroo. "Hey catdaddy, whatcha doing out here?"

"I still like that name ya know," Kuroo chuckled as he pulled her in front of him so that he could rest his chin atop her head. 

"I know you do, but what're you doing out here by yourself."

"Kenma kicked me out of the bedroom while you were in the shower. Apparently, he's cranky from traveling and just wants to stay in and play his video games."

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now