Chapter- 14 Kenma🍋

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It was this feeling of being dominated that was everything she was missing with Kageyama. Learning to become a dom in bed was always possible, but there was something absolutely undeniable when you stumble upon someone who absolutely radiates the controlling aura that comes along with the satisfaction of being in control. 

"You've never realized how much I want you."

Luna could barely keep her head clear as she looked up into that face she had loved for so many years. Kenma's lips pulled into a small smile as he asked, "Did you truly never know?"

"How would I? You never told me," she whispered as her eyes dropped to his lips. 

She realized that was an instant mistake when she looked back to Kenma's eyes. They were dancing with that devilish gleam that he had when someone fell right into his trap. 

"Do you want to kiss me, Luna?"


That hand that had been resting on her throat tightened ever so slightly, and she tipped her chin back letting him grip harder. "Hmm, interesting. You like this a lot I see."

Luna had kept her hands to herself until she heard how husky Kenma's voice was, but she wanted to hear it crack for her. Luna skimmed her fingers along Kenma's hips until she found his hardened dick resting up toward his stomach. 

"You seem to like this too." Kenma's body shuddered at her touch as her thumb drew gentle circles around the head of his cock. "Even through the material, you're sensitive."

Kenma suddenly grabbed both of her hands and pinned them up above her head making her gasp at how hard he was holding her. Kenma's eyes positively glowed as he stared down into her face. "You don't get to touch me until I say so."

"But I want to make you feel good," she murmured while rubbing her hips up into his crotch. 

"Stop that."

"Make me," she taunted as she knew his ass was likely sore from taking Kuroo's dick so many times. 

As much as Kenma wanted to continue, he knew he wasn't going to be able to fuck her like he liked to fuck. He clenched his teeth and grumbled, "I shouldn't have started this yet."

Luna laughed despite how incredibly turned-on she was. "It's okay Kenma. Don't do anything that'd make you uncomfortable." 

She closed her eyes and relaxed into Kenma's hold. His weight on top of her was nice, but she knew it would feel even better once Kenma got between her legs. He already loved to sleep there, so she was excited to know what it felt like when his dick was pressed to her core. 

Her eyes were closed. It was perfect timing. Kenma looked down at her soft pink lips, and he knew they'd feel amazing meshed with his. However, there was something he needed to do first. He hadn't exactly talked this over with Kuroo...he was just supposed to be amending the friendship. 

Whoops...guess he got carried away. Again.

Kenma looked down at her body which was completely covered due to her stuffy business clothes. On a curious whim, he reached behind him. Luna didn't even have time to gasp before his fingers ran along her panties. Kenma glowed in satisfaction as he stated, "You're soaked, Lu."

"Oh my god please don't," she whispered while his fingers traced up the center of her lace panties. 

He found the wet puddle at the top, and he decided that it was wiser to ask for forgiveness than for permission. 

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now