Chapter- 29 Setup

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Everyone knows the hardest part of going on a vacation, is that early Monday morning that always sneaks up on you. 

And Luna was no exception. She had slept through all four of her alarms, skipped breakfast, and was currently slipping on her heels before booking it out of Kuroo's home. She thanked her lucky stars that they had all crashed at his place instead of Kenma's because at least this was closer to the gym. Her tires squealed as she Tokyo Drifted into her parking spot at the sports complex. Luna spam pressed the up arrow and impatiently waited for the elevator to bring her up to her office. 

As she sprinted out of the elevator she slammed right into an immovable wall of muscles. She squealed as she bumped off whomever she had ran into. 


Hands that belonged to the man she was beginning to adore caught her before she crashed to the ground. Suna's narrow olive-green eyes looked at her out-of-breath face as he helped her to her feet. Even once he was sure she was safe, he kept his hold on her hip just to feel her body in his hand. 

"Rin! Hey there handsome," Luna laughed breathlessly. 

"Are you alright? Why were you running?" 

"I'm running a little late today, but I will see you in about an hour or so. Okay?"

"I'll be in practice in an hour?"

"I know!" Luna kissed his cheek leaving him confused as he watched her run off. Suna's eyes narrowed suspiciously. He thought her smile was beautiful, but he noted that she seemed happier somehow. It was not lost on him that she had spent the entire weekend with the two men that were in direct competition with him to win Luna's heart. 

Was it possible that she had made up her mind over the weekend? Had he lost her already?

Sad heartbreaking thoughts swirled around Suna's mind. He knew he should wait until after work to ask his questions, but he wasn't the type of man to wait for the things he wanted. Thus he walked toward her office. He knew that he couldn't barge in and try and bully her into telling him what had happened because he remembered how she had punished Kenma for his sneaky efforts, but he wasn't going to sit and simmer in his own thoughts before he had the full picture. 

Suna stepped into Luna's office. 

She was already on a conference call despite just having left him moments ago. "Good morning sir, I apologize for my tardiness," Luna said into the phone even as she raised her eyebrows at Suna as if saying what the hell are you doing?

Suna found a piece of paper and wrote out his message. "What happened this weekend?"

Luna felt like a kid in high school passing notes in class without getting caught by her teacher. As she listened to the CEO drone on about himself, she opened Suna's note. He had surprisingly good handwriting, but it was just as blunt as his speaking voice. 

Luna rose her eyes to Suna's and she gave him a reassuring smile before scribbling back, "A lot, but all good things. Wana get dinner together tonight?"

Suna unfolded her message, but his glower got even worse. She watched as he wrote, re-wrote, and then frustrated scrunched up the paper before settling on, "Did you choose them?"

Luna's mouth fell open and she instantly hit mute on her call. "Rin, oh my god, baby no." She walked over to him and reached for him, but he remained cold as he looked down at her. "Is that what you think happened?"

"I don't know what happened," Suna said as he squinted at her. "I know you didn't reply to my texts all weekend, and then I see you this morning happier than I've ever seen you. It is only natural to assume they had something to do with that happiness because your smile was not caused by me."

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now