Chapter- 34 Advice

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Luna openly sobbed as she walked away from the restaurant. Through her snot bubbles and tears, she tried calling Kenma.

"Please. Please pick up," she hiccuped. "Kenma please."

When he didn't pick up after the fourth call, she tried Kuroo. 3 more calls later, she realized neither of them was available. Since Suna had driven her, she was completely stranded. Luna hailed a cabbie and paid a ridiculous amount for them to drive her all the way to Kenma's home.

After he drove off, Luna wandered up to the door. All the lights were on, so she figured they were still home. Before she could open the door, she looked through the window and into their living room. Sitting beneath the glow of the lamp were Kenma and Kuroo. Both of them had soft smiles as their naked bodies moved along with one another as Kenma rode Kuroo.

Through the window, she saw Kenma run his fingers through Kuroo's messy black hair lovingly and she read his lips say, "I love you," as he looked down into Kuroo's eyes. She had never seen Tetsuro look happier than when he lifted his lips to slowly kiss Kenma. When said he loves him too, Luna had to rip her eyes away from the image of them making love.

Everything she had told Atsumu was true. She had always been Kuroo and Kenma's biggest supporter even before they began dating, and she would never intrude on their time together nor their love just because she had had a bad night.

Luna wrapped her arms around herself in a desperate attempt to shield herself from the cold and her heartbreak. As she walked in an unknown direction for an undisclosed amount of time she realized that her heart was breaking for the second time that night. Kuroo had said he loved her when they went on vacation, but she had been so selfish and never said it bak. She had never given any of them anything more than her body, and she was starting to believe that that was all she was good for...

As her mind wandered into dark depressing thoughts, her legs carried her straight to the sports complex. "Isn't this just dandy...the only thing I'm good at in life is manipulating people for money, and here I am," she whispered to herself while letting another wave of tears roll. "I guess you're my home for the night."

Once she got settled into her office, she turned off her phone. Sleep had evaded her the entire night, but as the sun rose she found a new sense of purpose. All that work she had to shuffle around to make way for the dinner last night had stock piled onto that day, so she locked her door, closed her blinds, and absolutely allowed her work to consumes her.

Throughout the days she heard her door handle jiggle a few times, and she ignored the numerous worried players knocking on her door.

By the time 8 pm rolled around, she was forced to leave the confines of her war bunker to go pee. An unlikely face greeted her as she rounded the corner of the cafeteria. Osamu didn't smile at her, but he did raise his eye brows in surprise. "Luna."

"Osamu," she basically whimpered. "Please..I'm just trying to get food. I didn't know you..or anyone, was still here since it was so late."

He eyed the clothing that was the same he had seen her in last night. Osamu stuck his hand toward her. "Here."

She eyed the steaming takeout cup. "What?"

"Take it. It's hot coco from the cafe down on the corner."

"'s yours. I couldn't take your stuff Osamu."

"Would ya quit being stubborn and take the damn cup?!"

At his shout, she snatched the cup from his hand. Osamu huffed at her and stuffed his hands in the front pocket of his Onigiri hoodie. He noticed the bags under her eyes and grunted, "ya sleep here?"

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now