Chapter- 7 Long Time Coming🍋

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Kuroo looked at Kenma's ass move in his baggy sweatpants. Unlike the hundreds of times before when he watched Kenma walk, this time there was one key difference

He could touch him all he wanted to. 

Kuroo closed his bedroom door, and the metallic lock made Kenma look over his shoulder cheekily. "Expecting company?"

"No, but I'm not about to let anything interrupt me now that I've finally gotten you all to myself."

Kuroo wasn't a man to waste time. All that cute shit could come later. He needed to feel him, and he needed him now. Kuroo ripped his shirt up and over his head, and Kenma's eyes absolutely ravished his taunt abs and rounded pecs. 

"You like what you see?"

Kenma knew flattery revved Kuroo's engine. He was an absolute slut for compliments, but he wasn't in the mood for a soft ride. He had waited too fucking long for Kuroo to get the balls to confess, and he needed him to get his ass in gear and fuck him hard enough to make his exes look like the fucking cockweavles they were. 

Thus Kenma did everything Kuroo hated. 

He gave a noncommital shrug and turned around to climb into bed. Kuroo canted his head to the side and laughed, "are you fucking ignoring me now?"

Kenma crossed his arms and pulled his shirt up and over his own head tossing it carelessly behind him. His back dimples were showing above his loose blue and white boxers that were mostly covered by his sweats. 

"I don't know. Am I?" Another vague answer. 

Kuroo wasn't sure what game Kenma was playing, but he would be damned if he let Kenma be in control their first time. He stepped toward him until he could finger Kenma's prominent hip bones. He pulled him back until his bare shoulder blades rested on Kuroo's chest, and Kuroo's growing erection ground into the seam of Kenma's ass. As Kenma's breath became a little quicker, Kuroo growled, "You still ignoring me now, kitten?"

Kenma pushed Kuroo's hand off his body, and Kuroo frowned until Kenma leaned over and pushed down his briefs and sweats. Kuroo watched the slender man crawl into the middle of his bed. His dick was already hard as he leaned back on his elbows proudly showing Kuroo exactly what he was offering. 

"Holy fuck Kenma, I didn't think you'd be so bold," Kuroo murmured as he palmed his erection through his dress pants. 

Kenma bent one knee letting Kuroo see more of his body, and Kuroo's eyes kept bouncing between Kenma's soft smile down to his cock that was red and leaking against his stomach and finally down to his tight hole that was absolutely begging to get wrecked. 

"I didn't think you'd be such a sub."

Okay it was mean. Kenma knew it was mean, but honestly, he was tired of waiting. Kuroo needed a little push, and he didn't feel the least bit guilty for 'This Is Sparta' kicking him the rest of the way. 

Best way to antagonize the loud dominant middle blocker? Call him a submissive little bitch. So that's what Kenma did. 

"I didn't realize that you'd be so scared to claim me as yours," Kenma taunted in a quiet voice. "I thought you'd be man enough to back up all those stories you told me over the years. I thought you'd want to show me how dominant you are in bed, but maybe...maybe that's all they were. Stories. Just fictional fantasies you told us to hide the fact that you like to be tied up, flogged, and ridden by your dom until they give you permission to cum. It's too bad because," Kenma opened his thighs, "I always liked your stories."

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