Chapter- 6 I Like You

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Kenma knocked on the heavy industrial door hard enough that it hurt his knuckles. He was angry. No scratch that. He was furious. 

When the door didn't open fast enough, he knocked again even louder this time. 

Luckily he had the entire floor to himself, so there were no nosy neighbors to come out and tell Kenma to quiet down. Then again Kenma was so irritated he wouldn't even care if he had to tell an old lady or two off. 

"Open up Tetsurō," Kenma stated in a loud even voice. A series of locks turned before the door slowly opened. "I can't even look at you. Move."

Kenma marched into Kuroo's flat and straight into the kitchen. He hadn't slept a wink all night in case Luna would text him back, so he was in desperate need of caffeine. Kuroo always kept the coffee mugs and stuff in the lower cabinets so that Luna and Kenma could reach them despite Kuroo not really liking coffee. 

Kenma turned on the coffee pot and fixed his mug the way he liked it. As the coffee began to brew, he finally turned to Kuroo. His golden eyes traveled Kuroo's entire body before he murmured, "You look like shit."

Kuroo ran his hand through his hair, and he self-consciously tucked his dress shirt back into his slacks. "I know.."

"Those were the clothes you were wearing yesterday. Did you not change before you went to sleep?"

Sleep-deprived eyes so much like his own raised to meet his, and Kuroo gave him a pathetic smile. "I didn't ever get to bed."

"No? Was the walk too far from where Luna dropped you off?" He intentionally used vague wording in case Kuroo would reveal more of what happened since Luna had shut him down the night prior. 

Kuroo's entire facade cracked. His Adams apple dipped as he swallowed down his tears, but a few slipped out. Kenma felt his anger continue to boil, but he hated, absolutely hated, seeing Kuroo cry. 

There were two things in this world he could not stand, Kuroo crying, and Luna's silence. Both were his Achilles heels, and seeing Kuroo's entire face crumple like a house of cards killed him. 

"Don't cry," Kenma grunted even as he walked over to Kuroo. 

"Co-couldn't you be a little nicer to me?" 


Kenma wrapped his arms around Kuroo's stomach and hugged him as tight as he could. He closed his eyes and selfishly gave into Kuroo's embrace when he felt his big hands dig into his hair and splay across his shoulders. 

"I fucked up so bad," Kuroo whispered into Kenma's neck. 

Kenma hummed likely in agreeance. The two men continued to hug for another moment before Kenma suggested, "You're going to be a hunchback if you keep this up. Let's go to the couch."

"If I let go, will you let me hug you again?"

"Maybe... Depends on what you did to fuck up," Kenma deadpanned making Kuroo laugh in pain. 

He picked his face up from Kenma's shoulder and said, "You're not very good at consoling people, ya know that?"

"Well you pissed off the one of us that's nice, so you're stuck with me," Kenma whispered as Kuroo's face was still so close to his own. 

He hadn't meant for the words to hold the double meaning that they did, but he had already said them and honestly... he didn't want to take them back. 

Last night was one of the first full evenings he had spent truly alone in his own house, and he realized that he was lonely. It felt like a shell of a house without Kuroo's barking voice and Luna's off-key humming. Somehow both of the loudmouths managed to fill the entire home with their obnoxious noise, and without them, he felt as though he had slipped into a realm where love didn't exist. 

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now