Chapter- 18 Lunch Date

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The next morning Luna was able to sneak out of bed without waking up Kenma or Kuroo since Kenma refused to wake up before noon, and Kuroo was wiped after fucking so much in the last three days. 

She treated herself to a nice big coffee from her favorite cafe on the corner, and she was well on her way to having a wonderful day. 

Luna walked into her office expecting to find a few more stacks of papers since they were coming up on training camp season, but she found something much more surprising. 

"Good morning stranger," Luna chuckled as she walked up to Suna. 

He was relaxing on her couch scrolling through social media casually waiting for her. "Morning beautiful. I got you something."

"Huh? Rin, you don't need to do stuff like that," she blushed as she deposited her items onto her desk. 

Suna gave her a playful smirk. "It's nothing big. I just heard from a certain wing spiker that you have a terrible habit of skipping breakfast."

Suna handed her a square white box that smelled of sugar, and she opened it to see a multitude of tasty breakfast treats. Luna bubbled with happiness as she looked up at Suna. "Oh my goodness this is the best surprise ever!! Rin thank you!"

Suna's eyes crinkled into amused creases as he teased, "You know most girls get excited about jewelry or flowers, but you're pretty simple. Aren't you?"

"Mhmm! Food, coffee, and cuddles is pretty much the way straight to my heart. I guess I owe Sakusa thanks even though he shouldn't be gossiping about me."

"Forget him," Suna grunted which made her giggle wildly when he pulled her into his arms. "I think I want to collect my thanks right now."

"Yeah?" she dragged her index finger across the rounded muscles of his chest. "And how would you like to be thanked, my sweet Rin?"

"Hmmm I'm anything but sweet, beautiful, but I do like the sound of being yours. I want a lot of things from you, but I could settle on a kiss."

"A kiss? You're pretty simple too, ya know," she purred as she went up on her tiptoes to try and reach his lips. 

Suna leaned down to close the distance between them, and she sipped at his lips a few times before suggesting, "I don't think you locked the door, so we should probably stop now, beauty."

"If I lock the door, will you let me kiss you again?"

"Sadly no." Suna looked down at his phone and sighed, "I need to go get stretched out before practice, but what're your plans for lunch?"

She blushed and looked toward her desk. "I usually skip lunch."

Suna gave her a hard look. His narrow eyes pierced into hers. "Luna."

"I'm sorry! I get so busy that it completely slips my mind, but if I had a certain middle blocker come visit me maybe I could be convinced to take a break?"

When Suna leaned down to give her another kiss, she eagerly slammed her lips to his in a furious kiss. Suna's moan rumbled through his chest, and his hands picked her up off her feet by squeezing her ass. They continued to make out like high schools before he cursed and set her down. "The things you do to me," he groaned as he kissed her cheek. 

"Right back atcha," she giggled before Eskimo kissing him. 

Suna blinked in surprise at the new feeling. No one had ever done that to him, but he didn't hate it. It was cute. He ran a hand through his hair to try and hide his flustered state at how much he enjoyed her silly affection. 

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now