Chapter- 23 Ours🍋

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After the longest Monday ever, Luna returned to Kenma's home to spend the night with them. As she was eagerly changing out of her business clothes, she heard a raspy voice behind her. 

"You have got to be fucking kidding me."

Luna quickly pulled down Kenma's hoodie so that Kuroo couldn't see any more of her body. "Tetsurō! I didn't know you were home yet."

He unbuttoned the top of his button-down. "I just got home. Lu, what the fuck happened to you?"

She backed farther into Kenma's master bathroom and murmured, "I-it's nothing! I swear."

She had never in her life been scared of Kuroo, but having him stalk toward her still dressed in his business clothes was causing her to feel intimidated. He was so tall, his body was strong and masculine, and he was a very dominant man, so she felt small compared to him when he reached for her. Honestly, she loved the way it felt to be crowded up against the shower by an angry Kuroo. 

He leaned down so that she could see how serious he was as he growled, "take it off."

"It's nothing Tetsurō. It's just a few hickies."

"It wasn't a few hickies Luna. Take off the fucking hoodie and let me see what that bastard did to you."

Luna knew he wouldn't stop until she did as he told her, and honestly she wanted to get naked for him. She was wondering if he'd rage fuck her against the shower because she was more than ready for a rough ride. He was still pretty gentle with her since they were getting her body used to being with him and Kenma at the same time, so she was practically teaming in sexual excitement as she slowly pulled off the single piece of clothing covering her body. 

Kuroo looked down at her body, and he felt his teeth grind together. Suna had kept his promise not to mark her neck, but there was a perfect trail of hickies leading down her stomach to her sex. Mixing with the slick running down her thighs, he could see even more purple markings there as well. 

Kuroo was trying so hard to be easy with her. He was trying to restrain himself with Luna, but this was too much for him. "Luna, stay right here."


Kuroo did what he always did when he was unsure of what to do. He went to Kenma. He slammed the bathroom door shut making it perfectly clear she was not to leave the room. He marched into Kenma's office where he was streaming, and he kicked in the door. 

Kenma whipped around in his seat and narrowed his eyes at him. "What are you doing?"

"Family meeting," Kuroo growled through his clenched teeth. 

"Kuroo, I'm in the middle of-"

"Family. Meeting. NOW."

Kenma's sweat dropped, and he turned back around to his camera. He said a quick goodbye to the thousands of people watching him before shutting down his computer, cameras, and lights. He trudged out of the room and entered his bedroom. Kuroo had Luna thrown over his shoulder, and she was trying to kick him in the face. 


"You want me to put you down!? FINE!" Kuroo WWE slammed her into the bed causing her to let out a strangled oof. "HAPPY NOW!?"

"NO!! FucCK YoU!" she screamed at him while trying to kick him again.

"Go ahead kitty, kick me all you fucking want! Show him! Show Kenma what you tried to fucking hide from me." Kuroo grabbed her ankle and spread her legs. 

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now