Chapter- 33 Dinner pt2

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Luna had seen Atsumu run from the table, so she respectfully excused herself with the excuse she was going to go wash her hands. When in reality, she wanted to know why he kept glaring at her.

Luna found Atsumu chatting up some girl at the bar, but when he saw Luna coming toward him he instantly forgot about her in favor of pointing his finger in Luna's face. "It's you!"

"What? What do you mean 'it's me'?! And why do you keep sending me dirty looks?"

Atsumu's eye twitched as he hissed, she tried to ignore the drop of spit that got on her cheek, "Dirty?! You want to talk about dirty?!! What's dirty is that what I saw Rin doing to you in the women's locker room after the training camp last weekend!"

Atsumu felt real good about himself when he saw Luna's face begin to pale. He thought he had finally found a way to tease the always perfectly professional woman until he saw the cogs begin to turn in her mind.

"Wait, why were you in the women's lockerroom?"

"That-that's none of yer business!!!!"

Luna flashed her eyes down to his crotch, and he instinctually cupped his dick with his hands. "Unless you've got a different set of hardware down there or special permissions that I don't know about, there is no reason you should have been in the women's locker room. And actually hold on, how did you see us?! I know Rin locked the door."

"AH HA! So ya aren't denying what happened!!!"

Luna ignored him for a moment while she worked through the logistics of how he saw them having sex. When she figured it out she gaped at the big idiot. "YOU WE'RE ON THE LOCKERS! WEREN'T YOU!!!"

"SHHHHHH!" Atsumu slapped his hand over her mouth. "Don't say that so loud, yer going to make me sound like a creep, and I come here too often to have you ruining my rep like that."

Luna bit his finger making him drop his hold and call her some unsavory names. "You are a creep 'Tsumu! Why were you watching us have sex?! Are you a voyeur?!!"

"Shut up!" Atsumu growled in her face, and she snapped her teeth at his nose making him recoil. "Why are you even here Luna?"

At the rudely phrased question, Luna replied, "I'm here because Rin invited me. He said he wanted me to meet his friends. Why are you so upset? Do you dislike me or something?"

"I don't dislike ya! What I don't like is that you're sneaking around with my best friend! If you don't like him, then don't lead him on by saying you'll 'someday' give him more."

Luna hated that she couldn't defend herself. She hadn't even made him the promise of someday. All she had ever given Suna was 'a month' and then they would see what happens. Guilt began to ice over her heart as she murmured, "I don't need to explain our relationship to you. Suna knows how I feel about him."

"Does he!?! Because I find it weird that this is the first I've heard of it, and I spend every single day with him. Are you the reason he keeps randomly disappearing? Is he skipping out on time with the team to go see you? Has yer office become some sort of little fuck closet for you two?" Atsumu knew he was being cruel, but he told her exactly how he felt, "Aside from stupid 'Samu, Rin is my best friend, and it sucks that he hid this from me. I hate have'n to find things out by snooping because it makes me question whether or not Rin is going to get hurt, and I would feel responsible because I couldn't talk him out of it!"

"You would try and talk him out of being with me!?"

"Wouldn't you!" Atsumu's brown eyes drilled down into hers as he shook out his blonde hair. "Wouldn't you try and tell yer friend that he's being an idiot for dating some chick he barely knows in secret?"

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now