Chapter- 26 Cracks

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By the time Luna had returned from her shower, Suna had already headed off to practice thus all intentionally explosive scenarios were averted. The rest of the week flew by in a similarly boring fashion and somehow it was already Thursday. Luna had come to love Suna's random pop-ins to her office. If she was on a conference call or overwhelmed with work, he'd quietly sit on the couch just listening to her angry clacking or eavesdrop on her phone calls because he liked to hear her be mean to people. Even if he didn't get the chance to talk to her before he had to go back to work, it was nice just being around her. 

However, by Friday, he began to see the exhaustion beginning to creep into her face. 

"Come on."

Luna continued to type out her essay of an angry email. "I'm busy Rin, I need to tell that smug jerk from accounting that we do need the main gymnasium for the training camp instead of the stupid little secondary gym. All he cares about is how much it's going to cost to have the lights running through next weekend, but he is stoopid. The press we're going to get from having a public event is going to be worth more than-"

Suna's arm reached around her shoulder, and he poked the power button to her monitor. 


When she tried to turn it back on, he grabbed her hand with his. He was wholeheartedly amused by how she then unsuccessfully tried to use her other hand to reach the button. "You have very short arms Luna. Did you think this through?" Suna taunted as he spun her in her chair just enough so that her finger could barely skim the button. 

"SHUT UP! I'm sooo close," she grunted as she tried to fight against Suna's ironclad hold. 

"In a different context, I like hearing you say those words," Luna blushed bright pink, and Suna kissed her nose as the fight went out of her, "but for now, I need you to get up beautiful." 

"You can't just say stuff like that and then expect me not to get all flustered Rin."

"I'm not sorry for saying it. You're cute when you blush for me. Even after everything we've done, you still get shy." Suna helped her to her feet. His hands rested on her hips as he held her close to his body. His olive-green eyes smiled down at her when he said, "It's been a while since you spent the night with me, beauty. I only got to spend two nights with you in my bed, but I miss waking up next to you. I certainly could get used to that."

Luna's heart felt too full as she splayed her hands on his taunt stomach while teasing, "I loved it too..especially on Sunday morning when you were actually beside me when I woke up instead of downstairs with the twins."

Suna gave her a cheeky smile and grasped her chin in between his fingers. "I'm not going to apologize for something you already forgave me for beautiful."

"So what you're saying is that I can't continuously dredge up things from the past to use as trump cards to win whenever I'm losing an argument?"

Using that hold he had on her chin, Suna lifted her lips to his and chuckled, "Exactly. If something is in the past and we've moved on from it, that is where it should stay. Besides, I remember a certain someone loving my apology."

Memories of him taking his time eating her out on the couch after breakfast flashed through her mind, and Luna's fingers began to press against the ridges and valleys of Suna's abs in excitement. "If that's how you say sorry every time, I'm going to need to find a lot more things to fight with you about Rin."

"You don't need to fight with me to get that, beauty. My body is yours, so if you want something, all you have to do is ask."

"Yeah?" Endless possibilities began to swirl through her lust-drunk mind. "What do you say you go lock the door then?"

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now